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So we are going to try to squeeze in a couple episodes of Star Wars in October (if it doesn't WIN our MAIN MOVIE Series POLL next time around) since we are going to Disney in October. Kim needs to know a little about Star Wars before hand I think!

Anywho, this is always a big topic and many have given us their opinions on what order we should watch Star Wars? Theatrical release date order or time line order? My brother recommended Theatrical... so I'm curious what you all think!

If we watch some episodes of Star Wars... what order should we watch it in... AND GO!


Jihad Lee

Story Time is the best way IMO


Please do time line order I no the prequels aren’t as good but they have never seen Star Wars and it would be cool to see it all in order


Everyone watched them as they came out. Everyone understood everything. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Watch them in theatrical release order!


I'm usually all about timeline, but if you do timeline for Star Wars the "I am your father" line has no payoff. If your Mom and Kim have not been spoiled for that I definitely suggest watching in release order.


And if u watch it in 4 5 6 first it get the other movies get boring because u no what is going to happen ex. Ana king will become darth Vader, Padme will die, obi wan will survive and you know who the emperor is and many more. I think it would be cool for them to watch it in a different way then we all have seen the movies


Ooooo... that is a very good point! I know of that spoiler... but Mom and Kim have no idea! That would really ruin it for them huh? Thanks for saying this!


People r just going to vote the way they came out just because the movies are better


I haven't seen much of Star Wars at all, but know some of the basics. I've heard a lot of debate between timeline and release dates pros and cons. It would be interesting to watch in order, but many are saying we'll miss a lot of side notes/hints to previous 'release' date movies. Not sure since I haven't seen much, but am curious what is better :) Thanks for your opinion!


Another order I've seen suggested is 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6. That preserves the surprise of "I am your father", then treats the prequels as flashbacks.


Imho theatrical order is the only right way to live a truly star wars experience, in that way the twists will be really strong and the prequels will be able to move you. I apologize for my not perfect English. Greetings from Italy

Sohail Jafar

Theatrical, so you don’t spoil yourselves 👍🏻


My preferred viewing order to keep all the best bits a surprise will be 4 5 2 3 6


First time viewers of Star Wars should ideally not watch story time line order. HOWEVER, there are problems with Theatrical (Production) order as well, because Lucas spent decades tinkering with his films and it's no longer the true originals. I'm specifically talking about a (quite ridiculous) change at the very end of Jedi that makes no sense to a first time viewer who have not seen the prequels. I have to agree with Adam Nelson and suggest the Ernst Rister Order (4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8) that treats the prequels as an extended flashback, with the caveat that it might be a bit confusing. This order preserves the twists and addresses the main issues with both Story and Production orders.

Stephen Ray

Ernst Rister (4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8) and Machete (dropping 1 entirely) orders are both better than theatrical or timeline. Since you only have those two options, I'll have to vote for theatrical.


I’d say skip the prequels to avoid heavy backlash from the worst aspect of the Star Wars Fanbase, whether either you guys end up loving it or hating them, there will be some noise. Kind of like Batman V Superman. The worst side of Marvel and DC fans could come to your channel. They’re not even Disney anyway, so it wouldn’t hurt to skip them. But if you did, there would be a lot of people on here angry about it, so your decision. I’d say threatical order starting with the Original, and then the Sequels.


I don't want to vote for either of these options... skip the prequels. Oh please skip the prequels. Not only are they SO bad but they have no impact or direct connection to all the good ones and you lose nothing by skipping them except 6 hours of awful film.


My guess is that they'll like the prequels just fine. And either way, the reactions will be fun.

Steven Dorsey

By that logic, you'd want to skip the Sequels too, as the Community becomes increasingly divided with each generation of movies. The divide is greater between fans on the topic of the Sequels, than it is on the topic of the Prequels. So my take is, do what Sidney says for following the order of the release dates, but just watch all of them, and not avoid one Trilogy, but not the other, because the reaction to that would be even more reactive.

Lee Salvemini

Wooo exciting :D I'm a huge star wars fan , there's fun combos people make, like the prequels being a two movie flashback haha. But all of that is just tinkering :) Should have fun no matter the order. But the original trilogy holds a special place. And prequels have fairly good lore, not so well directed, but extremely quotable trilogy at least haha.


Theatrical release is the best, especially with new viewers. Machete Order (4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8) can get confusing if they haven't seen the movies yet, and the Story Timeline Order spoils major plot points.


It is a crime to watch them out of order from their theatrical release.


Please excuse my nerdy nitpick, but Machete Order totally omits (hacks away with a machete!) Phantom Menace. =)


You should definitely watch them in order of theatrical release!


While I cannot say I disagree with watching them in theatrical order, I must ask what everyone is hoping for? The big reveal with Vader? I mean even if the family doesn't know how it happens, pop culturally I am 100% sure they've heard the line by now. Frankly I think it's okay to watch it in either one of the other form. I think all 6 are great......I personally don't want them to see the newer films though. Because.....yeah not good. But I digress.

Cabbage Dynamite

I only see watching them in canonical order if you are also going to watch clone Wars in between 2 and 3. It gives much more humanity to the characters and makes you relate more when episode 3 happens.

Brandon Jensen - May the force be with you

hello I think they are better watching you in time decay. 1-8 not 456-123. think they will be a little hard for your sister and mom to keep in the story


I would go for theatrical :)


Everyone here in the comments is a little hyper opinionated. It's clear they will be watching them in theatrical order based on the poll so calm down. Second: we, who have seen the films are spoiled! We know which films are technically superior but I as a kid who grew up watching the prequels find I still love them YES even 1, all of 2 and 3 is an actually great film with only a few real scenes of cringe. How about we refrain from critiquing and turning this comments section into one massive debate and accept the fact the team will be watching at least the first 6 (and only true) canonical films? Allow them to form their own damn opinions, and if they hate 1, 2 and 3 then so be it. Everyone is allowed to their opinions. I, however, look forward to how they react to the underlying story of 1, 2, and 3. The tragedy of it all. While also utterly sick at the thought of them watching 7, 8 and possibly eventually 9. With how unnecessarily worthless those films make the whole story, but I digress. If you wanna see if they agree with YOUR opinion let them watch the movies themselves and see if they do. If they don't well looky there, someone with their own opinion as opposed to yours, and with perhaps a differing view on things?! What an astounding 'new' idea!


My OCD is conflicted here lol. I want to say go with the timeline but then the sudden style/special effects change would be jarring


Hi Namey! I want to be able to talk to everyone here because I love reading all the comments! LOL! But I got excited while reading yours and thought it would be good to quickly comment back! :D ... I've been trying to feel Mom and Kim out about what they know about Star Wars... I was quite amazed on how little they actually know and I haven't asked them specific quotes because I don't want them to piece things together... but right now, they have no idea about Vader's big reveal... I know they may remember the famous line, but without the 'Luke' in front of it... I will tread lightly to not spoil anything because I think their reactions will be fun during big moments like that one! Also, we will be watching in theatrical order. Yay! Thanks for voting!!