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I love this show so much! I think Mom and Kim are starting to like this more. It's very different from anything else we've watched... and they have little to no reference to cartoons... so the anime influence, animation and story telling is just different and unknown to them. I heard Kim gasp a few times during this! Mom keeps laughing. Cute!

You can find this video through our Google Drive which is located right here on this same page. Look for a POST titled, "LINK- ALL FULL Reactions". Sometimes that will appear at the top of our POSTS page, or near the bottom. If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me directly :)

Here is a temp LINK too:


Thanks for your support and please enjoy!! :D xoxo



Yes! More Avatar. It’s my birthday tomorrow, so i’ll count this as an early birthday present. haha. And i’m so happy that you’re watching this show. Brings back so many great memories. I can’t wait for your mum and Kim to watch season 2 and 3. It just gets so good. It’s kind of a slow start, but once the show picks up the speed and realises where it’s strength lays, it just gets so much more incredible. Thanks again for all your hard work and can’t wait for more reactions. 🖤😉


The reason the fight animation looks so good is because each element is based on a different martial art that actually exists (you'll notice each element has a distinct style once you get further into the show). They also brought in a man who had mastered all of the techniques in question (his name was Sifu Kisu) and would film him performing the moves. Then they would send the footage to the animators.


OMG! Hopefully I'm not too late to wish you a Happy Birthday!! Yay!!! I hope you had a great day! So happy you can treat this like a present! :D I am so excited and in such denial we are watching this together! This will be a very interesting journey, especially with Mom and Kim since they have no knowledge or influence with this type of show. I know they'll grow to like it, but I also know Kim always labeled animations for 'kids only'. This will be fun to see how invested she gets! If myself and twin brother love it, I'm sure she'll grow to as well! Thanks for your kind and inspirational words! That means a lot! I love editing and creating content for our channel, but it is very time consuming, so thanks again for your support!! Much love!! xoxo


Hi David! Thanks for your comment and details!! I always appreciate this! I knew some basics about Avatar, but not to this level. Reference always helps with animations in such an extreme way. You can see the talent, love and devotion put into this! Even the subtle follow through actions are so smooth and pretty 8D When I used to animate in college, reference always helped a great deal! Thanks again for your knowledge and support!! :D