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Hi everyone! Wow! I got a lot of editing done today! Phew! I really wanted this up before midnight!

You can find this video through our Google Drive under the POST titled, "LINK- ALL FULL Reactions". That's where our entire FULL Reactions library is located. YAY! Of course, this is still uploading there, so won't be viewable until tmrw morning.... LOL.. so here is our temp LINK:


Thanks so much for your support! You all honor us and make this so worth while! xoxo Please enjoy!



I'd forgotten just how much lore was dropped in this episode. We get the story of The Hound and The Mountain, an introduction to Sam and why he joined The Night's Watch, a little bit of dragon history from Viserys, as well as Ned playing detective in King's Landing. Whew! Pretty dense episode.


It was! I think it's so fun watching this again because there are always so many details you forget about or miss... what a great show! Never gets boring!! :D