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Hi all! I actually edited this and TWD yesterday and they uploaded overnight to Google Drive. TWD is still processing, so I will transfer that over once it's done. YAY!

We did watch INFINITY WAR late last night. What a movie!! I finished editing the FULL Version this morning... but it takes a few hours to render, and then upload/process... so I'm hoping IW will be ready to view later this evening or tonight.

You can find our VIKINGS video in our LINK- ALL FULL Reactions POST. Scroll below (or sometimes above) a bit and you will see a LINK on this same page.

Please MOVE/COPY this video into your own Google Drive to view. If too many are viewing videos on ours, Google will cease playback for everyone for a short while. Thanks for understanding and please enjoy!

Thanks for your support!! xoxo



Another great episode and reaction! Its tough watching Ragnar in his current state being addicted so heavily to the drugs. The second half of this season episodes 10 - 20 are my favorite of the entire series so i am super hyped for all the reactions to follow!! :D


Also looking forward to watching Infinity War with yous later tonight, hope you have a great day, thanks again!! :)


Thanks Daryl! It is hard to see Ragnar like this! I don't know how he'll be able to stop with so much going on. I can't wait to watch more! Hopefully this weekend!! I'm excited that you enjoy the later episodes! Gives me a lot to look forward too! XD


Yay! Thanks Daryl! So apparently the internet is saying it'll take another 4-5 hours to finish uploading. OMG, so slow! Hopefully it'll be a lot shorter than that! Don't want to keep you up and disappoint! This is going to be quite the reactions though! Mom and Kim were at the edge of the couch half the time leaning in to the TV, LOL!! I'm even impressed with how much they remember from the MCU! They had no problem remembering characters and stories!