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Hi everyone and thanks so much for you patience! This has been uploading all day, LOL! Even the processing through Google Drive took forever... but, finally, here it is! YAY!

You can find this video through our MOVIE LINK provided right here on this same page titled, "LINK- MOVIE Reactions". This LINK will change twice a month, so you can always check back here for the new LINK.

Please MOVE/COPY this video into your own Google Drive to avoid any viewing issues with heavy traffic. Thanks for understanding.

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This movie was pretty hard on Mom and Kim. They were freaking out almost the whole time. Why so serious? ;) :O



Phew....what a ride. I love TDK and the entire Nolan trilogy, but definitely this is my favorite of the three. It was so awesome to see earnest reactions of the Joker without any real prior knowledge or viewing of him. I never got to go see this film in theaters back in the day....geez 10 years ago. So, seeing people get honestly freaked out and disturbed by Ledger's Joker was a treat....for me anyways. ;) Glad you guys got through it, and I'm happy you all liked it even if it was on the definite 'darker' side of comic book films. Looking forward to The Dark Knight Rises, even if I personally think it's the weakest of the three it's still really, REALLY good. :D

Mitchell Bowker

The movie “10 Things I Hate About You” is the perfect Heath Ledger movie to watch that’s quite light and fun.


Any estimation on when youl do the dark knight rises?

Ricardo Pomalaza

Such a great reaction !!! Thanks for this. It was nice to see really genuine reactions to one of my favorite films. What a trip! I loved everyone's reactions. I loved how creeped out you guys were with the Joker! I saw it in theaters a long time ago with my brother, and we really enjoyed it. It's definitely darker than most superhero films, but that's what makes it so good in my opinion. It's very different. There is a hopeful message though, by the end. I hope you guys can react to the last movie in the trilogy soon! Can't wait.


For someone who has seen this movie probably 100+ times, it was very enjoyable to watch it through fresh eyes. Your reactions were hysterical!


I saved Storm's reaction video to my Google Drive and I'm trying to view it but I'm getting an error message that the number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded. Does this mean that people are watching the video from Storm's shared drive directly?


It worked for me about half an hour later so I was able to watch it. Not sure what happened but it's working now.


Storm, after the movie was over, you mentioned watching other movies that Heath Ledger played in. I would recommend The Patriot with Mel Gibson. Heath is good in this one, IMO.


i cant find the link to the reaction\/ am i blind? aha


I recommend you watching Brokeback Mountain... always leaves me in tears... Heath Ledger was an amazing actor.


Great reactions! I absolutely adore this movie! A movie i recommend is Titanic. I really think you guys will get some great reactions from this movie. You guys should also consider some other James Cameron films such as the Terminator 1 and 2 and Aliens - after watching Ridley Scott's classic Alien first.


Where’s the link to see the reaction??? I can’t find it for the life of me.


You have to scroll below, until you find the title "LINK- MOVIE Reactions FULL Length". The links are there.


Where’s the Link? Looked everywhere for it?

Armchair Wizard

The link is there if you scroll down on this very page far enough. It says "All full reactions."


Nevermind, found the Link, thanks.


Thanks for the request, Pascale!! I haven't seen that! Is it a scary movie? Oh, Heath Ledger... I loved him in A Knight's Tale ;)


OMG! What a great idea!! I'll add that to our LIST! I totally would love to watch this!! We just watched Infinity War and had a discussion that we may watch a couple light hearted movies next before we watch the next Batman movie just because of all the anxiety, LOL. WOW, IW was so intense and emotional!!


Yay! Thanks so much!! Some never get desensitized I guess! We really burn some calories!! Especially Kim!! LOL!! I'm so happy you enjoy our reactions!! :)


I'm so happy you really enjoyed our reactions, Ricardo!! That means a lot!! I was so worried to watch this with Mom and Kim for the reasons you said. Such a great movie and just so dark!! They were so freaked out, but seemed to enjoy it! The acting is so amazing, especially from Heath Ledger! We will be watching the 3rd movie probably next week... we were going to try and watch it this weekend... but we just watched Infinity War... WOW! What a movie! ... and Mom and Kim voted that we watch something fun and light hearted since they've been so freaked out as of late, LOL! So this weekend we'll watch Fantasic Beasts :D


Hi James!! I was hoping to watch this sometime this weekend when Kim has some free time, but most likely we'll watch it sometime later next week... Kim and Mom both voted that we watch something light hearted next because they are so traumatized lately, LOL! We just watched Infinity War... and they are in a state of shock! ;)


This is the week for dark and traumatising Super hero movies isn’t it? Both IW and Dark Knight are so great in their own special ways. But I love that they were both dark. Can’t wait to see their reactions!

Steven Dorsey

I recently decided I might start rewatching Vikings alongside your reactions, since I stopped watching a while back, but I only see seasons 3 and 4. Do you guys have your reactions to seasons 1 and 2 still, I don't remember who anyone is anymore and was gonna start fresh. :3

Joe Mitchell

I have scrolled down to the end of the page, but I still cannot find the link.

Steven Dorsey

It's a little buried under numerous posts this time, but this is it: <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uS7McPoOPMxlys610A6uJG-Alo0ttNem" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uS7McPoOPMxlys610A6uJG-Alo0ttNem</a>


Any idea when IW reaction will be up? I'm soooo ready to see all three of you cry


The Infinity War reaction is coming today right?

Armchair Wizard

She said at some point it will be late Thursday so hopefully yes. But I too am looking for any updates as to when.


OMG, what a movie!! We watched it late last night!! The FULL Reactions is so worth it... Fair Use is going to be WAY hard!! I finished editing our FULL Version this morning and it has to finish rendering, then upload... which takes a few hours... I'm hoping it'll be up and ready by late this evening :D Oh the anticipation! I'm currently editing the Fair Use version. This movie was amazing!

Adam Vialpando

Now I see why you don't watch that many scary movies. I'm afraid Kim might have a heart attack if you did. I'm not one to talk though since I'm scared of horror movies too. Makes me wonder how she'd react to A Quiet Place.


I agree!! I really want to watch A Quiet Place!! Kim was so traumatized after the Joker, LOL XP

Jeffrey Ferrer

Hi, I'm a new subscriber. I'm at the bottom of this page and I can't find a post with the link. Any help?


Hi, cant find the link


Yeah there is no link :(


Where is the Link to the full Reaction?


Can’t find the link :(


Can you post a new link?


Where is the link i payed patreon only for this :(


hey wheres the link


Hello! I paid Patreon only for this, but can not find the link :(


Sorry, I found the links eventually. I found them under 'Recent Posts' at the right side bar luckily...


Where is the link?


Can I get for 'The Dark Knight' link?


"You can find this video through our MOVIE LINK provided right here on this same page titled, "LINK- MOVIE Reactions". This LINK will change twice a month, so you can always check back here for the new LINK."


NO I can't! Like a bunch of other subscribers I actually joined to watch this reaction. I guess I just wasted 6 dollars. Thanks Akima.


lol, for the guys who can't find the reaction , just go check her recent "LINK- Movie FULL Reactions" google drive link


go check her recent google drive link, it said "LINK- Movie FULL Reactions"