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Jurassic Park WON our last POLL so that'll be up in a couple days (if not sooner!) Yay! We just watched it and Kim and Mom LOVED it! 

This POLL will end by next weekend :)

Also, should we stay in order with Jurassic Park or jump right to Jurassic World? I'm curious what you all think. 

Thanks again for being here and your support!! :)


Jihad Lee

Gotta continue with Jurassic Park. The 3rd one you don't have to watch but the 2nd is definitely a must. Let's hope others think like I do 😂 🤞


Might as well do all the Jurassic Park films! There's some great moments in each of the sequels, even if some of them don't measure up to the strengths of the original :) Definitely looking forward to this one, the first is my favourite movie!

King Henry Beauclerc

Is it wrong that the only movie I have seen on the list is Jurassic Park 2?

Ricardo Pomalaza

I also think you should continue doing all the Jurassic Park films. Jurassic Park 2, then 3, then Jurassic World!

Armchair Wizard

Jurassic Park 2 (The Lost World) is definitely underrated. I think it's my third favorite in the franchise. I'd even be okay if you watched Jurassic Park 3, but it IS kind of skippable. In my opinion we should watch Jurassic Park 2 (The Lost World), then go straight to Jurassic World.

Adam Vialpando

Eh, the Lost World and JP3 are pretty skippable in my opinion. But if you want to watch them that's cool. #2 is alright and 3...well you'll get through it. It should at least make it that much sweeter when you get to Jurassic World.


Stay in order with jurassic park then go to jurassic world! Its better to do that

Elliott Bishop

So excited for your Jurassic Park reaction Dawn. I actually like the second film but the third one isn’t that great, although it does shine a light on pteranodons which is the only thing I like😅


Jurassic Park? Oiiiii, fine.


guess we wont see anything else before they finish the jurassic series


Also, if we're doing Jurassic Park, it really only makes sense to stay in order. JP3 might be a little dull here and there, but it's a fun kinda dumb film with a new big bad dino. Really I think at the least it doesn't hurt to compare and contract the thing to previous and following films, if we're staying with the JP films I mean. Just my thoughts.


I love Moana, nice to see it on the poll.


Whenever you guys finish watching the Jurassic Park movies, you should seriously watch Moana. It'll have you in tears, it's hilarious, it's beautiful & inspirational, so you should really give it a chance.


I really do want to watch Moana! I've only heard great things about it and have seen very small parts of it at work (background TV, so I couldn't watch it, LOL). Thanks for your request and your opinion! I greatly take opinions into consideration, especially when we haven't seen something before and you all know what we will like XD