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Hi everyone and welcome back as always!

The Hobbit 1 Part 1 is now available through our MOVIE link provided on our MAIN/POST page labeled MOVIE LINK :)

This was very enjoyable as well! Mom and Kim seem to really like it so far!

I'm heading off to work now, but will be back later tonight!

Please COPY/MOVE this video into your own Google Drive so everyone will have a chance to watch this video. Too much traffic on ours and Google will cease viewing privileges for a short while. Thanks for understanding and please enjoy! :)



I cant see it in the link, can anyone else?


Hi I'm having a lot fun watching your content, but unfortunately I can only see the movie minimised in the corner and its hard to see. Can you make adjustments to make make the movie bigger that your watching experience so its more watchable. Hopefully I'm making sense, but besides that great reaction videos!!

Armchair Wizard

This format of reaction videos is designed for you to watch along with your own copy of the movie. They minimize the movie into the bottom corner so it's easier for you to know where to "sync up" your film with theirs. They do this in order to avoid copyright strikes.

Armchair Wizard

Storm Akima. Kim mentioned Gimli. Did you guys know that Gloin, the Dwarf who got mad at Elrond toward the end is Gimli's father!

Armchair Wizard

"Is he offerin us insults?" is the one I'm talking about.


I was just about to say that :D Gloin is the redheaded one with elaborated braids on his beard (to not be confused with Bombur, the rotund one, who loves to eat). Btw, I think Gimli was too young to go on this quest.


Loved your reaction as usual! I'm happy that Mom and Kim liked the dwarves. I personally adore them. They are a rowdy bunch, but with so much heart and personality. The Durins are often fan favorites (Thorin, and his nephews Fili and Kili), but all of dwarves are great imho. Personally, aside from Thorin, who is one of my favorite characters along with Bilbo, I have lots of feelings for Balin. To think he, Ori and Oin met such a horrible end at Moria... (remember Gimli's grief when the Fellowship arrived at Moria in the first LoTR movies?) - it breaks my heart.


I love these movies so much, i have always enjoyed the hobbit more than the lord of the rings, for multiple reasons. As someone who read the book i still remember how sad i felt when reading what happens to thorin and fili and kili at the end, it really hit me hard when i was young and it was one of the very first chapter books i read, so i was always nervous about the last movie coming out because i knew it would be very sad and emotional, the dwarves are such awesome characters, my favorite characters in the series, the dwarf "Gloin" is the father of Gimli and he looks alot like him while "Oin" is his uncle, and the older dwarf Balin is the one whos tomb was inside the Mines of Moria when they arrived there in the Lord Of The Rings and Gimli found out he was dead and was mourning him. Can't wait for the second part, there's so much epic stuff that happens!! The music that plays during the "Eagle" scene in the second half gives me chills its so beautiful and such an amazing part, and i really love the song that the dwarves sung before they head off on the journey inside bilbos house, that song is taken directly from the book and it was so epic seeing and hearing it come to life. Also i'm glad to hear your father is recovering, i was gone on vacation for the last few weeks but just got back recently and seen all the stuff you've had to go through and i can only imagine how scary that must have been for you and the family, your father is lucky to have such amazing people around him that care about him, i hope that when i'm older i'll be lucky enough to have something similar. Wishing you and your family all the best :)


i still haven't got the hobbit in the link, it looks like everyone else does, can someone help


Hi kati!! OMG, yes!! I'm so happy they love them too so far!! I'm still amazed and so happy they can watch something like this! Long ago, this was never a possibility! Kim would've laughed off the idea and would never give it a chance! Really shows many people similar to her a missing out! I'm so happy she enjoys it so much!! The Durins are my favorite as well! I never tell them anything and they don't read any comments here... but the third movie really upset me! I killed me with what happened! For that alone, even if it may be unfair, I don't care so much for the third movie.. LOL. I do enjoy The Hobbit greatly though! Mom even said she loves how light hearted and funny it is! Thanks again for the details about the dwarves! I knew it all connected somehow... but thanks for clarifying which dwarves were in Moria... so sad indeed! I'm happy with the order we watched these in... but I'm curious how their reactions would've been with the knowledge of The Hobbit first... hmm...


Hi Daryl!!! Thanks so much for your awesome comment as always! I have a lot of friends that feel the same about The Hobbit! I'm not sure which I like more... I want to say LotR for it's grand epicness... but The Hobbit is just so much fun... they're just so different! I hated what happened to the Durins!! The third movie I was almost yelling at the screen for how heart breaking that was!! Thanks for also clarifying the dwarves!! I do know that Gloin is the father of Gimli and I almost told them, but I want to see if they notice when Gloin actually tells Legolas when he sees his picture... I think that'll make an interesting reaction! The other dwarf relationships were a bit unclear to me, so I appreciate the extra details as always!! All the dwarves are so much fun... but I have a soft spot for Balin :) Also, I hope you had a great vacation!! It's so important to take a break and relax when you can! Your kind words really means a lot, so thank you for that! It was very scary, but everyday gets a bit better and he's doing way better than we could every imagine today! I know we were all very lucky with the outcome and I truly am blessed with such a wonderful, caring family! I don't know how some go through this with no help... strength in numbers is always a beautiful thing :) Thanks again for your awesome comment! I love that you love our reactions so much!!! :)


can anyone help the hobbit still isnt in the link for me


yippee i just tried holding the link and pressing open in new tab and it worked i guess, dont know what the problem was but its fixed now, well off to watch the hobbit with you guys


whens part 2? im new to this haha, ahhh i need part twooo


Anyone know if this is the Theatrical version or Extended? :P

King Henry Beauclerc

Oh I am excited for this! I have only watched the Hobbit Trilogy once and liked it so I am looking forward to watching it again with you guys this time!

Armchair Wizard

Abz, they typically release the film reactions every Friday or Thursday if you're lucky. So I can't speak for them, but I'd guess it's going to come out either next Thursday or Friday. Don't hold me to that though. Lol.


Great reaction! I've only watched the Hobbit trilogy once before so it's great rewatching it alongside you guys. After watching the Hobbit for the first time, I definitely preferred the Lord of the Rings trilogy. However, rewatching it again, I forgot how much fun these movies are. They definitely have different vibe to them than the lotr movies but they really are great movies.


Yay! I'm so excited to hear that! It's been such a pleasant experience so far! Mom and Kim really enjoyed the first part! Hopefully we can get together later this week to watch the second!! :D


Hi Tessa and thanks so much!!! I've only seen the trilogy once before too and it's a lot more fun this time around! It is such a different feel from LotR, but nothing wrong with that! Mom and Kim really enjoy the dwarves songs so far too! They're such a fun bunch! XD I'm happy you can take this journey with us again!! :)