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Hi everyone!

I wanted to give you all an update that things are going well with Dad and we should be back on track after this week! Yay! 

We did watch The Hobbit Part 1 last night and I'm editing that now :D

We are going to attempt to watch Kungfu Panda and Vikings either Sunday or Monday depending if we can find someone to watch Dad while we react.

So in the meantime, I've been doing some gaming (which I really want to introduce more onto our channel)... I just bought God of War and Become Human since they've been highly recommended.

So The Hobbit Part 1 should be available tonight in our MOVIE Reactions and I'm hoping Walking Dead by tmrw night.

Thanks again for your patience and understanding!

Most of you know I work hard to create as many videos as I can outside of my full time job and helping my Dad recover. Now that he's more on his feet, he may be making an appearance soon on our channel again! XD



I'm so relieved you've updated. Been worried a bit. But now I can just relax and anticipate The Hobbit. So excited!


Thanks for the update! I’m so happy your dad is doing better. Honestly I feel spoiled that your still uploading these great reactions while dealing with so much! I’m so looking forward to The Hobbit and a cameo from your dad. Just don’t stress yourself out too much or spread yourself too thin!

Armchair Wizard

I am excited beyond belief that you're considering the new God of War game. It's so good. It's also drastically different story and tone wise from previous games. This one is more emotional, and character focused. In fact, it's not unlike The Last of Us, but with Greek and Norse Mythology. I think you'll like it.


God of War and Detroit: Become Human are both awesome games with really emotional stories, I think you’ll really enjoy both of them. God of War is quite difficult though so don’t feel bad if you would prefer to play it on easy mode!


Good to hear your dad is getting better! Looking forward to the gaming content, should be fun. :)


Hi Jack!! I'll definitely take your advice! If easy doesn't really mess with the story, I may just do that so I can play the game faster, lol! It takes me so long to do game plays anyway since I have little time to do it. Gaming is so much fun!! I think I'm going to start God of War first than Detroit in between like I did THE LAST OF US and HORIZON Zero Dawn. So excited!! Thanks again!! :)


Thanks so much Pascale!! Really means a lot! Dad is getting better every day and is even rebelling with us now, lol! That's a very good sign! He's constantly monitored by family and he's trying to escape sometimes XD I so can't wait to play more games!! Thanks again!!


Yay! Thanks for always making me feel accomplished Rachel!! I do love editing, as you know! It is actually a fun past time for me! It takes my mind off anything stressful :) Great news is Dad is getting better and better and soon we may not have to watch him as much all the time. I'm hoping this week we can start doing reactions as normal again :) I'm dying to watch more Vikings and movies! I do push myself a lot, but I may take some time to sleep well tonight for once and edit later tmrw instead :) A cameo from Dad will be interesting and I think that'll be fun! Thanks for always being so supportive and awesome!! :)


Yay!! I'm so excited you are that excited!! That just made me even more excited!! Watch it be really scary!! LOL! That always make a great reaction! XD I so can't wait to play! I'm hoping I'll start this week! I love a good story filled with emotions!! Pretty much everything you said is what I love in a game and now I'm just so happy I purchased God of War! Whoo! Going to be interesting indeed!! :D


Sorry to worry you kati! That means a lot that you care so much! As you know, he's doing better every day and is even rebelling against us a bit for freedom, lol.. and that's totally understandable, but he won't get his way just yet due to doctors orders! ;) He's moving around a lot more and is always trying to escape, Keeps us on our toes and definitely no complaints here! So happy he's doing better! Thanks so much for always being so kind!! :)


Detroit Become human is a crazy ride. Would definitely recommend!


OMG, yes! I'm so hoping to try this game out by this weekend!! I did just play God of War which I love so far! I will have that reaction up in a couple days :)