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Yay!! This is finally up!! What a great finale to such an epic movie!! 

The Fair Use version is going to be so hard to edit! LOL! Seriously though! XD

I really hope you enjoy this as much as we did!

You can find LotR 3 Part 2 under our MOVIE folder, then click on The Lord of the Rings :)

Our MOVIE LINK is available on our MAIN/POST page towards the top labeled FULL MOVIE LINK. This link will update in the same location every so many days.

Thanks so much for being here and donating to help our channel grow!

Have a great day!! xoxo



When can we expect Guardians 2 and Kung Fu Panda?


Hi Sidney! I'm going to edit Guardians 2 tmrw since I have off from work! Yay! I've been itching to edit that! Finally have some time! What a fun movie! Also, I'm going to try to squeeze in Kung Fu Panda if Mom is ok with reacting this weekend. :) Everyone's been a bit emotional with what happened to Dad... but reacting is always a positive, fun thing that we love to do! :)


Thanks so much, looking forward to this immensely!


Great reactions as always! A few 'fun facts': The effects of The Mouth of Sauron actually WAS a practical makeup-effect, though they enlarged his mouth 200% (iirc) in the computer! The ships captain who was shot by Legolas is played by none other than director Peter Jackson, who also played the carrot-eating man in Fellowship and the Rohan soldier chucking a spear in TT!

Jihad Lee

Awesome reaction had me tearing up!!!😢🙂. Just a few notes on where most of the characters faired in their later life after the movie ended and where Elrond, Lady Galadriel, Bilbo, Gandalf and Frodo went. They went to a place called the Undying Lands. It is basically a large continent kinda shaped like the country Chile. Elvs mostly go there to never die. Nothing but green land. Basically Gandalf described it to Pippen when they had their moment in Gondor when they thought they were going to die. Since I told you where they went, I'll tell you what happened to the other characters. Faramir married Eowyn and she became queen of Rohan I believe. Faramir became a Steward of Gondor (the same position as his father once was). Legolas stayed in Middle Earth for a while and he too moved on to the Undying Lands. Gimli was also allowed to go there after his time in Middle Earth (He is the only Dwarf ever to set foot on that land) Mary and Pippen lived their lives mostly and The Shire but in the last years of their life, they lived in Gondor and ultimately died. Aragorn had a son. He too died. Marry and Pippen wherr

Jihad Lee

Sorry lol. Marry and Pippen were both buried beside Aragorn. And that's basically it for all the characters. Pretty sad tbh.


Oh, I loved your reaction so much. Once again, Kim was my spirit animal. We cried at the same time during the same scenes, and there were so many other little things as well (but I've kinda forgotten them by the time I finished watching the movie with you guys :D - too many emotions!). It's beautiful how much invested you were with the story and the characters. It was so very moving to witness, and I'm so happy I could take the journey with you. Now onto the Hobbit! But - even though I'm really excited, I hope you'll take your time and heal properly before starting these reactions again. I would hate for you guys to force yourself when you are not feeling it. So take as much time as you need. Btw, your cat, Loki, killed me at the and (with cuteness). What a champ. Much love as always!


I've seen some additional information, but I thought I'd just add a few tidbits to what I've read here... When Gimli helps defeat the forces of Isengard at Helms Deep, he was separated from Aragorn and Legolas and driven into the caves. He fought his way out alongside Eomer when the forces of Isengard were driven from Helm's Deep. He would later return to these caves and establish a new dwarf kingdom here, earning the title of Lord of the Glittering Caves. He and his people also go and help repair most of the physical damage done by the war...he repairs the Great Gate at Gondor, making it out of steel and Mithril. It's also said in regards to him going to the Undying Lands, that it's more to do with his wish to see the Lady Galadriel, than his friendship with Legolas (although this was very strong) and that it was the Lady Galadriel that allowed him entry. Gandalf, who's true name is Olorin, originally comes from the Undying Lands. He's a member of the Order of the Istari (commonly known as Wizards), and when four members of the Order were sent to advise all those who opposed Sauron, he was sent because he described himself as 'too weak and too afraid of Sauron', and he was told to go so as to overcome his fear. When he first arrived in middle earth, he received Narya, the Ring of Fire, one of the three Rings of Power originally made for the Elves, by an elf lord named Cirdan. Cirdan is the longest living elf in Middle Earth, and the last Elf to leave, as he was the Lord of the Grey Havens (the Harbour that sends the ships to the Undying Lands). Sam has thirteen children with Rosie, some of their names being Frodo, Merry, Pippin, Bilbo and Goldilocks. When Frodo gave Sam the book, he also gave him Bag End which he and his family lived in. He becomes the Mayor of the Shire for 7 years. After his wife dies, Sam gives the book to his eldest daughter, and because he was also a Ring-Bearer (for a short time), he is allowed to go to the Undying Lands. When he was two, Aragorn's father was killed while pursuing Orcs, and was then fostered by Elrond in Rivendell and was renamed Estel. He was not told about his heritage until he was twenty. It was at this time/age when he first fell in love with Arwen, who had returned from visiting her grandmother, who is the Lady Galadriel...making Elrond (who is actually only a Half-Elf) her son-in-law. After learning of his heritage, Aragorn assumed his proper role as the sixteenth Chieftain of the Dunedain and the Rangers of the North, and went to live in the wild with the remainder of his people, whose kingdom had been destroyed due to civil and regional wars centuries before. He and his Rangers began to guard the Shire on the advice of Gandalf, where he became known as Strider. He also served in the armies of King Thengel of Rohan and Steward Ecthelion II of Gondor under the name Thorongil. It was just after this time when Arwen (as seen in one of the scenes) pledges herself to him and and renounces her elvish lineage and accepting her mortal, human death. However, Elrond withheld his permission until the time where Aragorn would step up and become king of both Gondor and Arnor. Aragorn is the one who finds out Gollum was captured and tortured. After the battle in Return of the King, after healing people in the city, he refuses to step foot in Minas Tirith until he's crowned king, as he doesn't want to cause any political infighting which could ruin the unity of the people/armies over his claim to the throne. (However, in the film he enters the city for the meeting and to confront Sauron in the Pilantir.) When he is crowned, it's as King Elessar, a name given by Galadriel, becoming the twenty sixth king of Arnor and fifty fifth king of Gondor and the first High King of the Reunited Kingdom (the two combined). His House was known as the House of Telcontar (meaning Strider in high elvish). After Aragorn dies, Arwen dies a year later of a broken heart, and only then, after his mothers death, does Eldarion, reign as high-king. Pippin lived in the Shire and had one son, called Faramir, who later married Sam's daughter Goldilocks. He becomes the 32nd Thrain of the Shire, a position he holds for 50 years, before retiring to visit Rohan and Gondor with Merry. He remained in Gondor for the rest of his life. Merry became Master of Buckland, and both he and Pippin were known as the tallest of the Hobbits after drinking the Entwater (seen in the Two Towers). He has at least one son. He, too, then went to Gondor. They both were entombed next to Aragorn after his death (the hobbits died first).

Armchair Wizard

As others have said, They are sailing away to Valinor. It's the Undying lands. It's the physical place on the Earth that the Valar, or "gods" if you want to call them that, are currently residing. So you're basically right in that it's pretty much "heaven." But you can sail there in a ship. IF you're allowed.

Armchair Wizard

There's a whole epic book called The Silmarillion that goes into excruciating but fascinating detail about the entire backstory of the world of Lord of the Rings, and The Hobbit. It names all of the "Valar" and the "Maiar" like Gandalf and Sauron, and Saruman. It's dense and difficult to get through, like an encyclopedia, but it's fascinating nonetheless.

Alexandre Boutin

Fun Fact : I was crying so much during the bowing scene, I thought I had snot going down my nose and pouring down my face, 20 seconds later, I look down and I had the biggest nose bleed ever, ( it's happening to me alot because of the really humid weather ), I laughed it off and grabbed a tissue, waiting for the scene to end and ran to my bathroom.


Also; Quote of the Video has to go to Kim when she saw Lord Denethor on fire; "Stop, drop and roll!" =D


Great reaction as always, Probably your best one so far. This was so much fun, though I'm mildly disappointed that Kim didn't fall from the couch. ;) Looks like we already have enough people explaining the Lore, but I'll just try to explain the Eagles pretty quick. They are similar to the Ents, as they are a magical race all on their own and have their own problems that they care about. They are however Watchers for the Valar (the Gods), so they are on the good side, but they are proud and don't just come to help everyone. Guess it took them some time to hear about the war and decide if they should join.


this is by far my favorite movie reactions from you guys.


As for for the ship at the end you are correct the destination is equivalent to what we call heaven. The ship went to Valinor it is the land of the Gods basically call Valar it is also where Immortals such as Elves and Maiar (Angels) lives. Fun Fact Gandalf and Saruman including Sauron are Maiar.


Will you be reacting to The Hobbit as well?

Lee Salvemini

Fantastic! Really reminds you which films make the classics :D


Thank you!


I am brand new to Patreon. I've been watching your YouTube family reactions to the LOTR movies and wanted to see the complete/full movie reaction. I've signed up and committed $5 per month. I've added to the movie reactions (LOTR for now) to my drive, but I cannot see the movie content. I see you ladies talking clearly, but the box in the lower right of the screen is almost completely blurred out. Is there something else I have to do ?? Is there an APP I need ??? I am stuck.


Hi Michael! Thanks so much for being here and your support! Sorry you are having trouble! I try to explain it as best I can in the tier description and in each video through the texts in the beginning. I am not allowed to have the copyright content mixed in with our reactions... it's actually way easier to leave it all together, but I risk being sued that way.. however I do add elements to keep us in sync with each other. Yes, you do need your own content. Many use there computers and play their content at the same time in different windows. Some use two devices to view. This is how most YouTubers do this. I'm sorry for the bother! You don't get charged until the 1st of the next month anyway, so there is no risk there. Thanks again for your donation! I'm so happy you like our reactions! :)


Thanks so much kati! I always enjoy with what you have to say! Thanks for being so supportive when it comes to Dad! Everyday is a bit better and I just keep reminding myself we are all very lucky that he survived his stroke. It was pretty severe and the doctors weren't sure of the outcome the first day, so thank goodness he's home and working hard to fully recover. Mom, Kim and I are emotionally way better and stronger now that we are in a routine caring for Dad. We are actually quite excited to carry on reacting soon since we have so much fun doing so! We will be watching The Hobbit this week at some point and I'm hoping either Kungfu Panda or more Vikings later this week :) I will totally tell Kim about her being your spirit animal! So awesome! I'm so happy you are taking each journey with us and enjoying it so! Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging words! xoxo


That's so cool! Thanks for sharing! Valinor sounds like such a wonderful destination! I'm happy they went to such a beautiful, well deserved, peaceful place :)


Wow! Really?! That is amazing! I totally want to take a look! I won't have the time of course to commit to reading it... but it sounds so involved and intriguing! So much love and dedication put into this... I'm just floored with how many details are in this series. Thanks again for sharing!! :)


Aww, and oh noes!! LOL! Happy it didn't get too bad! So happy you could take this journey with us! Even through editing, I was all emotional at certain scenes as well!.. especially that scene! So powerful and moving! I'm always happy you enjoy our reactions!! Hopefully we won't cause you to bleed out in the future! XD


Thanks for the this, Andre! Any additional details are always appreciated! I'm just so amazed about everything when it comes to this series! I knew there was a reason why the eagles couldn't help all the time, but just wasn't exactly sure why. I knew you all would be awesome enough to explain it! Pretty cool info! Love this epic tale! Thanks again for shedding more light on this! :)


Yay! Very cool! Thanks! There were definitely a lot of extreme emotions! :)


Wow! I always related certain characters like Gandalf as an angel! Makes a lot of sense! How interesting! I love the grand idea of this! Thanks for sharing!! :)


I know, right?! This was so enjoyable! I can't believe I went years in between watching this again!! So epic!!


Hello, I am new to this and I’ve been wanting to see you all’s reaction on the LOTR but I unfortunately couldn’t find it. By any chance did you remove it?


Is the reaction still here?


I cant watch it anymore what happened???