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Thanks so much for all of your support with our channel and for my Dad!

All your donations help our channel out greatly and we appreciate you helping us grow! Once we hit our next goal for monthly donations, I will be able to edit full time! Yay! Which means, a lot more videos each week and a schedule!

I finished editing The Lord of the Rings 302 which will upload overnight and be available tmrw (Friday) through your provided link (the link that you donate too). Thanks all for your patience!

It has been a very busy and exhausting week, but I am so happy and relieved Dad is doing well! I couldn't ask for more! He is home now and moving around slowly... speech is a bit hard... especially certain words, but he is tough and trying hard to heal 100%! Go Dad! :) Videos have been slow this week because of caring to him and work. Kim deserves so much credit for taking off work and spending the most time with Dad throughout this week! Go Sis! I couldn't get out of work most days, so she's awesome she could manage it!

I will spend time this weekend going through your awesome comments! I always love reading those!

Thanks so much for your donations and your emotional support! Love you all!! xoxo



Glad to hear your dad is recovering!


Thanks for the update! So happy to know your dad is on the road to recovery. Tell Kim she’s awesome and I’m sending her hugs from Denver.


Be sure to rest yourself!


Great!! Family is sacred


Amazing news! Please tell Kim that she is wonderful and deserves the world. And so are you <3 Your family are goals tbh.

Elliott Bishop

I am very happy for both you and your family x


I am happy for you all that your dad is getting better!


Thanks Christopher!! I am so happy and thankful! I know he and all of us were very lucky how things turned out! Really makes you think! xoxo


Thanks so much Namey!! Editing is always so much fun... but my full time job has me exhausted... even though I've been doing 12 hour shifts... my exhaustion is mainly the experience with my Dad. He is amazing and I'm so happy he's doing well! I will be sure to rest a bit this weekend! At least with editing, it's a relaxing past time for me when I'm home :) xoxo


Thanks! And yes! Family is sacred! It's so important to treasure and love what we still have!! xoxo


Aww! Thanks kati!! I sure will tell her! Not to be weird, but we do have an amazing and loving family. I'm so lucky! We are kind of like the Brady Bunch, but way nerdier! LOLz! At least my brothers and I are! Kim is so getting there too! Thanks for the love and support as always!! xoxo