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I'm working on Harry Potter right now! That will be available by Saturday (but I will try my best to have that up late Friday).

Wookie76 has been very eager to watch IT from last year, so I decided to make this a full reactions! Wookie, Li and I watched this earlier this week! 

If you are donating to our ALL FULL Reactions or MOVIE Reactions, you can find this in your provided link within the folder IT.

Please copy/move this video to your own Google Drive to view :)

This way everyone will be able to watch smoothly. It's free and easy! 

Thanks for being here and helping our channel!! xoxo

Wookie loves scary movies and really wants us to watch more ;)



Elliott Bishop

Best surprise you have given. I this was my favourite movie from last year. Thanks dawn 😄


This is cool will there be a fair use version?

Paul Martin

You’ll float too. 🎈



Amanda P

Awesome reaction. I watched this in theaters with my friends and I wasn't scared at all (I watch a lot of scary movies) but one of my friends was like fetal position in the seat lol. A cool fact about this movie and the old one was that it came out in 1990 and the new one 2017 so 27 years later, very clever. Also the new movie is the highest grossing horror film of all time now. The old one isn't as gory because it was a TV movie but it is creepy and slightly cheesy Haha. A good scary movie series I could suggest is Paranormal Activity. :)


Wooohoo I did not expect this. Love this horror movie


What a nice surprise, great reaction as always. I watched it by going into the IT folder and right clicking on the video and clicking "move to my drive" and then going to my google drive and playing it there, could someone tell me if that was right. Also please never let your mum or Kim watch this, i reckon poor Kim would run straight though the golden trio cutout and on though the wall. ;)


Can't wait for HP :D Horror movies are not my cup of tea.


I normally don't watch horror movies. Wookie loves them, but I don't. IT was good though! Also, your wish is my command! HP7 Part 1 will be on Google Drive in a few minutes! :D


Thank you Leesa! I'm so happy you enjoyed that! Wookie has been so patient with waiting to watch this... since he wanted me to react to it, lol... of course, I couldn't be on camera alone during a scary movie! IT was actually really good and I wasn't traumatized afterwards, so phew! I'm so excited to watch a lot of fun content with Mom and Kim... but you are right and I don't want to freak them out too much, lol!! :D Thanks again for the nice comment!!!


Very cool! So happy you enjoyed our reactions, Huell!! Was a surprise for me too! XD


YES!! I'm going to try to have this uploaded tonight for the 13th!! I just got home from work, so here we go! Gotta edit! :)


That's so great to hear!! So happy we did this! This was unexpected for me too.. but Wookie really wanted to watch IT and I agreed if we could record our reactions, lol!! Thanks for watching!! :)


Creating another suggestions list for you right now! ;)

Chantelle Miles

wheres the link to the movies or this IT folder?


Hey Akima can you send the link for IT I'm new and confused. Thanks 👍 love your reactions


Hi Chantelle! Thanks so much for becoming a Patron of ours! I just got home from work and just messaged you. If you don't mind providing a gmail address, I'll resend you a link! Sometimes other emails don't work when it comes to Google Drive. Sorry for the inconvenience! Once your email is changed, I'll send you a link again! :)


That is awesome! I always love suggestions!! ... or do I when it comes to scary movies?... LOL XD


Oh wow! Thanks for the inside scoop! I didn't know that! I'll tell Li and Wookie since that's pretty cool! Thanks for sharing! Wookie is so happy we watched this and really wants us to watch so many scary movies... it's hilarious... yet terrifying for me! So many of my friends love scary movies... I can handle a lot of life situations pretty well... but when it comes to jump scares and disturbing ideas... I get so freaked out, lol! I also hear great things about Paranormal! I believe there are a few movies of that? Thanks for the suggestions!! :D

Robert Solis

new too this if you can send me a link to the IT reaction that would be great just updated my email


Thanks so much Robert! I sent you a main link to our MOVIE Reactions! You should see the IT folder within the MOVIE Reactions folder. Let me know if you need more assistance! Thanks again for being here! :)


i need some help too as i am new and a bit confused thanks.

Anthony Paytes

Hey how can I get this link to the full movie reactions and IT reaction?


how do i get the link to watch this?


How can I watch full length?


I need a link cause I donated 15 dollars and it is not giving it to me


how can I see this???


I need the link as well!


Hello storm akima I need the link for it 2017 full reaction I’ll send yu the gmail I mine to yur inbox.


Hey new Patreon user here, there is no link in the video archives for this movie. Did it get deleted or something? Please help thank you!!