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Yay! Time for another movie vote!

The Lord of the RIngs EXTENDED version and then the Hobbit WON our Movie Series VOTE, so that will take place after Harry Potter! :D

More MOVIE options will be available once I can be full time here... which we'll see what happens in the next few months. You all have been so supportive already and it's a great start! :)

Please help us choose our next animated movie! ;)



I vote for Lion King. One of the best Disney animated movies ever. It's still highly regarded as such for a reason. My second vote would go to Zootopia. It's both funny and moving :)


Have they really not seen the lion king? That can't be.

Armchair Wizard

Lion King. It simply MUST be seen by all. That said, my second vote is Kung Fu Panda. Which besides being a cute animated film, is also actually a surprisingly emotional one.


These are all so great movies , its so hard to choose D:


Yay! The Lion King has always been a favorite of mine! XD Mom and Kim saw parts of it with the kiddos, but never paid attention really since it was on in the background... would love to watch it with them! I absolutely love Kungfu Panda too! Especially the second one! They are quite entertaining and exciting!


LOL! They've seen parts, but never sat down to watch. It was always the kids that watched and they would do there own thing around the house at the time. Would be fun to watch with them! :D


Yay! I love the Lion King so much! Both are beautiful and powerful movies!! XD


The day you guys get to Kung Fu Panda 2, and react to THAT emotional scene, Is when I will be thoroughly satisfied. I’m afraid that wish may take until the end of the year XD


LOL! Hopefully sooner the rate we're growing here! I love Kungfu Panda 2! More than the first! I'm actually quite surprised how lower ranked it is in the poll... it's doing ok.. but I guess there are just so many fun choices! My fav is Tigress.... no surprise there, right? XD


I LOVED The Lion King :D Although Kungfu Panda is also good. I haven't watched any of the others though.


Wish megamind was higher haha


I have such a soft spot for that movie! I laughed so much and loved Megamind and Minion's banter!! <3


If you like those 2 movies, definitely check out Zootopia! I always say I love these movies listed, lol! ... but Zootopia is right up there with The Lion King and Kungfu Panda! Very different story of course... but a powerful and emotional one with talking animals. Can't go wrong! XD


The Lion King for me.


Voted the Lion King. I wish Prince of Egypt was there though, I think both your sis and your mom (and you) would love it!


Yay Lion King! I love Prince of Egypt too! They will be on a future POLL as well!


Yaay thank you!! Prince of Egypt holds a special place in my heart. Used to watch that movie with my mom when I was little. I can't wait till it arrives on the poll, and I hope it's going to be the Lion King! <3