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Harry Potter 6 is now available on our Google Drive! If you have donated to our 'ALL FULL' or 'MOVIE' Reactions tiers, you can find it in your past link!

This was so emotional!!! OMG :( 

Thanks for donating and helping our channel!!



Ooo goody, time to watch another movie with my 3 new friends 🤘🤘


Ahh I hate waiting for it to process. Im just so impatient!


Everyone elses is still processing right? Because I feel like ive been waiting longer than normal.


Same. Still says processing for me too :P

Elliott Bishop

Oh no, we are at this one. Time to get emotional





Kristin Carter

Are y'all able to watch yet? Mine is still processing


yeah mine isnt working either


Yeah, the video is still processing on google drive, but I downloaded it on my pc and watched it :D Great reaction as always guys, very emotional. I'll wait on proper commentary, until the video is visible, because it don't want to spoil things.


Can confirm, downloaded and works fine. Not idea for people with bad internet but still an option if you can't wait for it to process.

Elliott Bishop

I downloaded the reaction, as always fun to watch. Love how dawn places the cat in its own frame. So cute 😂


Hi felix! Can I ask what happens when it doesn't work? Does it still say processing? Thanks for your patience! :)


LOL! So happy you enjoyed that, Elliot! I love my kitties and Moo is an old girl who is so affectionate. She loves being with people. So cute! I couldn't help but keep her in the shot! XD

Heather Hollenbeck

My gmail was being really wonky and lost a lot of my emails. Do you think you could resend me the link to the reactions? Thank you, I'm looking forward to viewing this reaction!


I'm also uploading another version of it, just in case that one disappears... the second version will be up in a few hours. Processing takes forever and there's no indication on my end on how long that'll take. Thanks for your patience! At least there is a download option I guess :)

Ida Vinga

I cant watch it, I´'ve tried for a few hours :( It just says "Number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded, please try again later" and when I try to download it "Download quota exceeded for this file". Help :/


I can't watch the video. It just keeps saying that the number of playbacks have been exceeded and the download quota for the video has been exceeded. : (


Exceeded playback for me as well :(


Poor Kim, this movie broke her heart. And yes I do think the light from their wands repelled the dark sign in the sky. Firstly I think the glowy wands thing is a grieving ritual such as wearing black bands in soccer or taking your hat off to pay respect, but next to that, I think it symbolized that the love and respect they had for Dumbledore was stronger than the evil and darkness that was symbolized by the dark sign.


And guys if you get ''exceeded playback'' or ''this video is still being processed", like I did, you can always download the video (download option is in the top right corner) and watch it on VLC or whatever media player you have. It is a large file and it will take some time but it is worth the wait. After all, the wait for the download can never be longer Google Drive's waiting time for the exceeded playback to be reset.

Ida Vinga

But I can't download either, it says download quota exceeded.


I don't have enough space to download it either :(


Thanks for your comment! That scene was so wonderfully done... for something so sad... the music alone was so moving... and everyone raising their wands slowly.. OMG! Love conquers all! :*( I love this series! :)


Sorry Jackson! I'm reuploading another copy again which should be up within the hour... but that one will have to process too of course. Google Drive ia amazing... but comes with some glitches... apparently my files have been disappearing and or 'exceeding limits' because it's a default in GD to make sure I'm not SPAM... which hinders their actual users... I'm always going to upload 2 copies now and delete one over time when everything seems secure... thanks for your patience!


Thanks for your patience gaby! I'm uploading another copy in the meantime which should be up within the hour... but then it needs to process so you'll be able to download it.... but viewing online may take a while. Sorry for the wait! :)


second upload didnt work either


Hi Sami! The second one is uploaded, but it needs to process... not sure how long that will take. It happens with every video and doesn't tell me how long... you can download it, but I understand if you can't because the file is so big. Once it's done processing, the second one should work fine. Sorry again for the wait! Once Patreon becomes more full time, I will be able to upload these earlier and have a day or so to tweak any issues. Thanks again for supporting us! :)


Sorry felix! Can I ask what happens when it doesn't work? The second one is still processing and is available for download. Once it's done processing, you'll be able to view from the drive. Sorry for the wait still. Once this is fulltime (hopefully in the next few months if we keep growing) I'll be able to upload these faster and fix any issues so we don't have to wait a week in between. Thanks again for being here! :)

Ida Vinga

Still doesn't work :( I can't download the second upload, same thing as before (download quota exceeded)


I'm also still having the same problem with the second upload. When I click on the video it says "Unable to play video at this time. The number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded. Please try again later." And when I try to download it it says "Download quota has been exceeded for this file, so you can't download it at this time". I tried clicking on the other videos but it's not even letting me view those.

Taylor Stuckey

Still not working for me either.

Alec Campo

Hey all of your Google Drive vids are no longer working for me. They all say “Video is still processing”. Hopefully this will be fixed soon (: I love your videos


Can i get a link to your reactions please dima.hitrich@gmail.com


I still haven't received that link yet. My gmail is danrobjack0@gmail.com.


Didnt receive the link either :/ my gmail is bruno.goncruz@gmail.com


This movie is so sad. I love your changing perception of Snape. :)


Thanks again Bruno! Sorry for the wait! I kindly ask new Patrons to give me 24 hours to send you a link just because I have to send it manually. Please enjoy! :)


Oh, my heart strings!!! Mom and Kim really don't like Snape at this point... he so good at messing with you! Then Dumbledore... so sad! :(


Hi Daivon! Thanks for your patience! I've done a lot of research and just added a new FULL Reactions post if you'd like to check that out. Thanks again!


Hi Richard! Thanks for letting me know! I did so much research yesterday to resolve this issue. I just added a new FULL Reactions post on my main page if you wouldn't mind reading it. It's a learning curve for me, but I think I get it now! Thanks again for supporting our channel! :)


Thanks Ida for letting me know! Sorry for the inconvenience! I finally understand what to do! I did a lot of research and just added a new FULL Reactions post if you wouldn't mind taking a look at our main page. Thanks again for being here! :)


Hello here ! Can i get the link to watch this ? Thx :)


Hi Paul! I believe I sent you a link yesterday... I'll double check now! Thanks for being here and please enjoy! :D

Amanda P

I bought so many collectibles when I went to Harry Potter world, I have Slughorns hourglass from this movie :) harry potter world was amazing

Steven Dorsey

I"m trying to watch the first harry potter movie alongside yours but I"m having problems with keeping them in sync. Both my movie and yours start with the same intro and same times, but gradually get out of sync. By the time your counter reaches 28:43, my counter is 44 seconds ahead, at 29:27 somehow, and i can't figure out how to fix that. I don't wanna have to keep stopping and starting either video. How do you suggest I watch the movie? Netflix?


Hi Steven!! Sorry you are having issues! I've only heard of this issue once before... may I ask where you are from? PAL usually runs at a different speed that NTSC... are you watching a disc? If you try Netflix or some other media online... that should eliminate the issue... but if not, let me know! I'm still learning too since I've only been doing FULL Reactions here for the last 2 months. Thanks so much for being here and supporting us! :)


I first tried syncing a tv recording on dvd. But apparently the tv channel changed the speed to make the movie end quicker. In VLC media player you can adjust the speed yourself in the settings. And my counter is always ahead too but i don't sync my version to the counter but to the video. If you look closely you can see the footage they are seeing in the top right corner of the bigger box thing in the lower left. It isn't clear enough to see watch it on that little corner but you can recognize when a scene cuts to another and use that to sync it. Or you could try a streaming platform like Netflix. Now I know that Netflix does not have harry potter but you can try *whispers* pirate streaming services like Popcorntime or Kodi Covenant but shhhh you didnt get that from me.

Steven Dorsey

@jayay -- I started doing that, but it got a little tricky as the movie progressed. So I gave up around the time of the sorting hat on the irst movie. @StormAkima, I"m actually from the US, but I have no idea if I'm watching a PAL version, or NTSC. I've never actually thought about stuff like that before. :3


we can i watched this?


Hi Jan! If you scroll down on this same page, you'll come across a POST titled, "LINK- MOVIE Reactions". If you need further assistance, please feel free to message me directly through here so I can help you faster. Thanks so much and enjoy!!