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The Lord of the Rings VOTE won our next MOVIE Series!!

We had a lot of different requests on how to go about watching this. Please help us decide! We'll have this poll up for the month until we finish Harry Potter :)

Keep in mind if we do extended, each movie will be SPLIT into 2 separate videos... meaning we'll watch the first half one week and the last half the following week.

These movies are great, but way too long and we won't have time to react in one sitting (until we are full time here that is! ;) ;) LOL. Wishful thinking XD)



Even if you have to split the movie up, you should watch the extended editions. There are a lot of great scenes and information that gets lost if you choose to only watch the theatrical versions!!


The Lord of the Rings definitely before The Hobbit for first timers, the other way round shouldn't even be an option in my opinion. Theatrical vs. Extended might be worth a debate but I'm 100% Team Extended Edition on this one.


Will a poll for Animated movies come anytime soon?


OMG, sure!!! I want to have a lot of individual MOVIE POLLs! Especially when we get bigger! Animations are my favorites!!! XD I'll create another this week!


I love these opinions! That's why I didn't want to decide... so many are passionate about both ways- release date or timeline order... same with Star Wars... that'll have a similar second POLL too. Thanks for letting me know your opinion! :)


Thanks Rachel! To be honest, I don't believe I've seen the extended versions... I did see some extra scenes separately at a friends house way after I saw the movies.. but not the same effect... would be cool to see as a whole :)

Edwin Wickey

I love the extended editions, but I really think watching the whole movie in one sitting is better, so I 100% vote for the theatrical. And definitely Lord of the Rings first.


At this point I don't care about the order. I just want the extended editions to win.


I believe LOTR first then The Hobbit is the way to go. As to the extended versus theatrical, I would like to see the extended version, but theatrical is ok too as I really do not have a preference.


As long as your mom and Kim understand that the Hobbit takes place before LOTR in the Middle-Earth timeline, i really don't care about the order. As long as it's extended. I feel like the people who voted for theatrical version didn't scroll all the way down to see the last option xD.


Lord of the rings first & extended editions!


I still stand by my opinion that LoTR should be watched first, then the Hobbit. Especially if the viewer is not familiar with the source material, i.e the books. I find it that people usually understand the Hobbit and its plot more (and they enjoy it more) if they've watched LoTR first. Of course extended editions are always better, but these are long ass movies, so it's understandable that you would want split each reaction into 2 vids. I think it would be too tiring for you mum otherwise.


I'd say skip The Hobbit movies, but that's not an option. XD


Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, and after that perhaps Hunger Games, Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean..... Ohhh, so much to look forward to! :D #happypatron I recommend you watch Kingsman 1 and 2 as well, they're awesome. :)


But The Hobbit comes first in the source material. The Lord of the Rings was written as a sequel to The Hobbit. You'll understand the first movie of any series better if you've already seen the rest of the series... But you also understand many things better in The Lord of the Rings if you've first seen The Hobbit.


This is crazy. Only 4 people want them to be seen in order? The Hobbit first and The Lord of the Rings second is both the release order (of the books) AND the chronological story order. I presume most of the votes are the way they are simply because most people are more interested in the reactions for The Lord of the Rings and can't wait, but think about this for a moment. Let Kim and Mom experience the story in the order it was always meant to be told.


I love all of them... the third Hobbit movie I didn't care for so much. A few friends of mine don't care for the Hobbit movies.. a few others love The Hobbit over TLoR... which is interesting! ;)


Hi jayjay! I'm curious how the poll will turn out! I haven't seen all of the extended, so that will be fun! Definitely will be 2 parts each... but I do think you may be right with the POLL vote... top choices are seen first... hmm...


Thanks Scott! I'm secretly hoping the extended wins too! It'll be strange to do 2 parts each.. but then we'll talk more with an intro and exit, so it could be fun too! Maybe after each 2nd part, I'll combine both part 1 and part 2 for a continuous extended reactions... that could be cool!


Thanks Edwin! If the extended wins, we'll do 2 parts... then afterwards, I'll make a 3rd video with both reactions combined for a continuous reaction! That may work well! :)

Armchair Wizard

Extended LOTR first. It may not be chronologically accurate, but it's how most people originally saw them.


Honestly? I prefer The Hobbit over LoTR too (although I love LoTR). I know, for most people to say that is a heresy, but what can I do? I utterly adore Bilbo and the company of Dwarves. Another unpopular opinion - I love BotFA (the third movie), even though it makes me sad. Just my 2 cents ;)

Ida Vinga

I think it's better to watch lotr first. If they watch the trilogy first it wont seem outdated compared to the hobbit (special effects, aged actors and so on). If you start with the hobbit it feels like you're going back in time when you watch lotr later, even tho it's the opposite. Not that I feel the lotr is outdated, it's amazing!


LOTR first, Fellowship and Two Towers can be theatrical but Return of The King MUST be the extended edition. Hobbit is whatever.

Ida Vinga

Compared to LOTR? Absofrickenlutely! But I still like them since I love seeing Tolkien's universe come to life in any form :3




LOTR is the story. The Hobbit is fluff. I've been a fan of Peter Jackson since 1991, and it is pretty clear he didn't want to direct more Tolkien films. They are by no means bad films, just uninspired.


Woohoo!!!! I can’t wait for these reactions!! I definitely think you should watch LOTR first, the extended editions. They just add so much flavour to the story and the world building, and since Mom and Kim only get one chance to experience this story for the first time, I really think it’s best to just go all out! I hope enough people agree with me because I think it would be a real shame to rob them of the chance to experience this amazing trilogy in the full manner that it was always meant to be experienced!


Hi Jack!! I'm excited you're excited!! :D I can't wait to watch this with them! I gave it a lot of thought and totally agree! Extended is the way to go! Each movie in 2 parts... then afterwards I'll make a 3rd part of 1 and 2 combined so those who wish to watch our reactions in their entirety, they can! Yay! :D


Thanks for your opinion!! I'm always curious what everyone thinks! At this point, I'll believe we'll be doing extended for all :D

Paul Martin

Hello Akima, so I am new to Patreon. (I am doing the $5.00 donation) what email do you set up the links too? I signed up with facebook, is there a way for the links to go to a google email?


ahahaha i see the theatrical version peeps finally came to their senses :p


Hi Paul and welcome! I just got home from work and just sent you a link! Please enjoy and thanks so much for your donation!! :)


It's going to be half a movie at a time even if they choose the theatrical. They can't be expected to sit through 3 hours of the theatrical version in one sitting either.


Very true. I was planning on watching the threatrical version all the way through if that one won... but even then, the movie is so long... I don't want them to lose focus. I know now that the extended in 2 parts is surely the way to go :)


Who on Earth would ever pick The Hobbit first? I was actually going to suggest you guys do the Extended versions in two parts before I saw this poll. That way you can basically treat the trilogy like a mini-series.


When do you expect to be finished with HP?


Hi Drew! HP6 just finished uploading to Google Drive! Yay! Thanks for your patience! I'll put up a post now :D


LOL ;) That's why I love POLLs... many suggest so many different ways we should watch things and I want to make as many happy as possible. I do love listening to reasons why. All our fans here are so passionate and I love it. Thanks for being here! :)


I know it's not going to win but I personally think watching Hobbit after Lord of the rings would be kinda disapointing. I prefer Hobbit first. It's how I introduced it to my friends and family.