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Progress is good so far, enjoying coloring again~

I'm thinking about migrating to SubscribeStar sooner or later, any thoughts? This place is becoming rather unsafe for freedom of expression...



Archduke Earl Von Margrave

I’ll follow where ever you go, your such a great artist that I want to support you.


I'll follow you wherever you go, but I think now might be a good time to ditch Patreon.


In light of the recent news, I completely understand. Just let us know in advance and I think the most of us would gladly go wherever you go.


Yeah might be a good idea to change, make sure you let us know when you do.


Honestly, the sooner Patreon tanks the better. You could have both open so those who keep track can migrate to SubscribeStar, and those who miss the memo won't suddenly find a closed Patreon page. Also beautiful as always, I'm excited to see em in full color!

Mathieu C

If you move, i'll follow. I want more creator leaving patreon behind. They lost sight of what they were. A middleman and not a taste police.


Probably best to leave Patreon far, far behind.