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Thought I should let you guys know how I am.

My medication seems to be good so far, the side effects are gone along with the majority of my anxiety. Body still feels sluggish sometimes but not that bad anymore.

Another good news is that I got accepted at the clinic I wanted to go and I'll finally start my therapy in April. Which means I'll be there during the week from 8 am to 4 pm, for at least four weeks but not more than six.

Been drawing a bit more again recently and it feels good. I might be going for a color pic next month, here's some stuff I did.




That's fine take your time!


Take care youself get well soon.

Archduke Earl Von Margrave

Glad to hear your well, hope things are looking up for you, no matter how small. Thinking positively about even the little things that happen.


You are the finest hentai artist going. Please take care.

Bloody Rain

Glad to hear you're a little better and can get where you wanted to go. Take your time, depressions are one hell of a sinkhole, I've been there and still trying to get out. It takes a while. The important part is to keep fighting!


Good to hear that things seem to be improving :)