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Hello. Hello. Hello.

With the release of my latest scene and the end of a many month's long hiatus I feel that I should say some words to offer an explanation and update on my continuing work as a VAM creator. When I finished DotB I was pretty burnt-out from creating in VAM, primarily because due to its ungainly developmental tools, but also partly due to a creative lapse on my part. I simply can't make these kinds of scenes without some passion or direction to see it through to the end. The scene that I released today, MILF TRAP, began development in February, but was shelved over the Spring. I apologize for this long hiatus, and radio silence, which must have been extremely frustrating to you.

Beginning in May, I restarted my work on MT and finally completed it recently. I sincerely hope you will enjoy it, and that it will have been worth the wait. With that I would like to say a few more words.

Firstly, to those patrons of mine who have stuck it out all this time. I am extremely grateful to your continued, and frankly unearned, support. Seeing that I even still had support brought me around in May to get back into VAM. I cannot thank you enough.

Secondly, to any returning patrons; welcome back. I know that many have waited too long for the completion of the Rescue Raven scene. Me too. This will be the next scene I will release. As for when this will be released...

Lastly, I would like to better establish a timeline for the release of new scenes, as well as do better at keeping you all updated as to my progress. (In furtherance of this sacred pact, I will now release weekly updates every Wednesday) Part of the issue for me has been drastically underestimating the time it would take for me to complete these scenes. On average, these scenes have taken me one to two months to complete (whereas early on I had promised two per month(!), which now appears simply impossible). One new scene every month or two is probably the best I can do. I just want to be honest about that fact. Part of my abandonment of VAM was due to a feeling that I had overpromised and underdelivered, which made me feel hopelessly behind. I intend to do the opposite from here on by setting realistic goals.

(I would be curious to hear if people would instead prefer more rapidly published, but significantly less ambitious scenes. Tell me what you think in the comments.)



I personally love the ambituios projects. No one is doing the things you are doing. It's what really seperates you from everyone else. My big concern was no updates after Dominion of the Beast. After 2 months I was worried you had just vanished like so many VAM creators. But as long as you have some kind of regular updates even if it's just a message saying you are alive and working on something then I will happily stick with you. But yeah fewer ambitious projects is fine with me as long as they are quailty. I could go anywhere for just a sex scene. What you create is just fantastic and pushes what I thought a VAM scene could be. Keep up the good work. If you do run out of ideas feel free to ask us. Maybe someone could give you an idea to inspire you.


Glad you're back. I stuck with you for a few months, but I think I did an overall drop of inactive content creators in April. My suggestion is that you do both ambitious projects and short small scenes. I know this sounds over zealous, but it's really not, so let me explain. Take a scene like the Rescue Raven. You can implement short little chapter additions on a month to month basis. These don't have to be big and ambitious, they can just serve to flesh out content you've already created. One of your first scenes was a dungeon scene. Why not create more subscenes within this scene where the hero escapes their prison and they get to choose another maiden in distress. Every month you can add a new maiden with new animations, new monsters, new positions, etc. While you knock out these short scenes, you can really take your time to complete a bigger and longer project without feeling rushed. You won't feel you're letting your patrons down because they are still getting the shorter more regular content. This will give you more freedom to experiment and take breaks as is necessary and you can pace yourself. So I know suggesting both doesn't seem like a helpful recommendation, but I think a helpful combination of both can keep you happy while also keeping the community happy. Lastly, if you feel like you're out of ideas, then just create a community poll or ask us for recommendations. Plenty of us have all kinds of shit we want to see, so if you really want inspiration, then maybe something we suggest will take root. You can make monthly content recommendation posts without any obligation. Communication is key.


I hope that I can give you better sense of confidence in my devotion this time around. Thanks for giving me another chance. As I release updates to what I am working on, please feel free to offer any ideas of where you think it would be fun to take the scene. I can't promise every idea will get used, but I definitely have been inspired already by comments I have received.


I think your idea of smaller bits of new content is an interesting proposition. What's funny about VAM is that once you have the "pieces" actually arranging them "on the board" is the easy part. That is to say, it actually takes substantially more time to import new assets, 3D model bits you need, texture work, etc. But actually making animations, and creating the narrative sequencing, is straightforward in comparison. In fact, the imbalance in effort is to bad, that I find myself rushing those last elements, because the weeks it took me to even "set up" the new scene. Therefore, it may indeed make sense to simply add on to pre-existing scenes incrementally, rather than reinventing the wheel each time so to speak. I think the next RR will essentially be along this philosophy.