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The hour has come...for the short chapter! Also, I'm on break! Wish me luck on revisions! (9,800 Words)





Aaron Hicks

Yay! Enjoy your break!




Amusing chapter… Repeating the generic intro to get ppl to buzz off after u establish ur a boring person when ur not fighting is interesting. I feel like I can picture her saying it in my head non stop jeez. I’m glad the reuniting isn’t too big of a problem but how it was done was a bit extreme. Why stop there, why does she not do that to like king of Rhi is what I’m saying. Like go anywhere and say this will produce results is what this feels like. It just takes someone with no bs to block em or call for backup. Or adventures of the same level. How everyone stared at her is werid, ur not under a skill, go do something, tell soemone. Then again she is quite scary and high leveled.


Glad we got back to Chandrar. Homestly has some of the best characters in the story

Jesper Hansen

I hate to be a downer, but one of the things I think is the wandering inns charm and why I prefer it over any of the other online novels I read is the fact that it's long chapters.. I'd expect a short chapter to be twice the size of todays.. Beware of chicken is so short I read it on my phone in bed the morning after it comes out, that's lovely and all, but it also means that I'm not really looking forward to it nor am I as excited as I am for Wandering Inns.. atleast I know with Wandering Inn that I'll get quite the progress each chapter, today wasn't that.. It's was a fine and entertaining chapter, I enjoyed it, but it wasn't the usual Wandering Inn I brew a can of coffee for and hit the bakery for.. This isn't as much as a complain, as it's a "man, I'd miss my Coffee time mornings with Wandering Inn that usually takes 2-3 hours if this is how tuesday releases look now."




great and very funny chapter


This was great 'Get swole, idiot! Do you even lift?' made me snort laugh

John Koor

I'm disappointed that after the long Dec through February 3rd break we got 17 days of story (6 chapters), now another 2 week break. I know pirate makes long chapters, but I'd rather have only one chapter every week than all these 10+ day breaks. In a 10 week period we will have gotten only 6 chapters. We could switch to only once a week releases, and we'd still be 4 chapters ahead. Chapters get so big and then that story arc is not touched upon for so long and then add in the long breaks and I end up forgetting what should have been big story developments because they were just one tiny element of a mega chapter 3 months ago. Are garbuchugs still a looming threat since the plague apprentice is a kind of ally now?

Anton Shomshor

Oh dear, that was a funny chapter! Lol’d three times in public.


Jumping on the previously mentioned sadness with the schedule as it currently is. Super long break right after super long volume break with a 10k chapter going into it...feels like a cliffhanger of disappointment. I enjoyed the chapter but it easily could have been 5k more words with what it's showcasing. Also tempting us with the fallout we know has to be happening between Khelt and Roshal/Blighted Kingdom for getting tier 7'd...

General Corteau

Agreed with all the break comments — this is getting pretty untenable, the last few months have been too many breaks chained together, we've gotten stories at a cadence drastically under once a week. It's really hard to be excited for a story where I am constantly surprised by a new multi-week break with no content, so consistently.

General Corteau

Certain authors write a lot of mediocre quality content, and certain authors write only a shorter chapter once a week, but have extremely high quality writing. I'm totally fine with both, and I think pirateaba straddles this pareto curve at a place better than most. The problem is that there's an established expectation of decently good quality writing + high volume, and pirateaba has been violating that expectation too much recently, and it's honestly super frustrating. I would rather have clearer communication and reset expectations during a period where there's multiple projects going on, instead of feeling like I'm constantly being disappointed. If you want to release these chapters once a week but consistently, that's better than this whole half-of-the-time-I'm-on-a-break shenanigans that are going on right now.

Sean Coker

Never thought I'd say this to pirateaba, but you really padded the word count out there 😂


I would like to tell literally everyone commenting about the breaks something. I had an author who was doing wonderful work with only minor breaks between his books and then took a FIVE YEAR DISAPEARING ACT where no one and i mean no one knew what had happened do to burnout. Brandon Sanderson is the only author that comes close to pirateabas work at about a year between his books and he has an ENTIRE TEAM and dictates his work. so understand that a lot of breaks can be frustrating but like, these are fricking fast and high quality compared to a LOT of published work. So let her take her time to do it right and Pirate's way, I will happily wait for new chapters no matter how long it takes.

Shakango Resident

Take whatever breaks you need Pirate you have a ton of content out there and have been doing phenomenal work.

afgasd adgasd

We got an upset chicken coop out here 😂


I just got that "finally awake" is the skyrim joke making a come back


Yeah but it was a long break then the final volume 9 chapters then a super long break then two weeks of chapter and then another long break I'd rather have something consistent pirate can do the long chapters but releasing them once a week would be way better we got 6 chapters this year and the next one is in the third month that's just really bad


Thanks for the chapter pirate! Can't wait to see what else you've got brewing. I just reread the book you're editing so I'm excited to read it again and see how it changes!


OMG people are giving pirate sheet about breaks and not writing enough. Yes I am addicted too, but I keep some audio books on the back burner and find ways to slow down my consumption of her stories. There is an author I like, Annette Marie, and she gives her Patreons a 10 page short story once a month. And her fans are like "OMG OMG thank you SO MUCH!" So quite complaining that you are not getting your moneys worth.

Scott Soper

Reminds me a bit of early Ceria when she is on her own and not a goal-setter: well, I need the Adventurers Handbook again to find the lawful good adventurer vs peasant leader bribe tables! (and other Gygax era D&D advice). Fun little chapter, and calm down yall.


Great chapter. Great work. You are as always amazing. Catch you after the break.


I really enjoyed the Princess Bride reference!


This duck is losing weight. :(