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Hard at work just like a certain someone! Wish us luck! (34,200 Words)








V stands for vErin(I'm on a heroic dose of copium)

Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander

There’s something so special about like minds talking about inspiring ideas 🤩


The whole chapter in one word CUTE!


This chapter is everything I love about the wandering inn. Also I believe now Erin is a higher level then Valeterisa, and why aren't they using Erin's Leyline for mana, wouldn't it get stronger with Erin's levels?


So happy about this vol so far, its just perfect!


It probably says a lot about me that V is probably my most relatable character.. Probably.

PearsMan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-18 15:27:51 A lovely chapter. V’s struggles are quite relatable. Im surprised valley wants to teach even though she REALLY wants to do magic. Or she says that a lot at least but we’ve seen her time and time again do other things like a teleport network (which I guess was supposed to fund her long term goals). Great to see the amount of investments The Inn are gonna be putting out. We got to schools forming (alchemy and magic) and for them to be related to the Inn is exciting for Erin’s reaction in the far distant future. Imani learning magic is great, I feel like it’s most earthers desire to have such cool magic they see in media n not. Nanette being able to come proves that Lyonnete is not super paranoid n wanting to shelter everyone. Which is great. I hope Nanette dosent throw alot of tantrums to get what she wants thou, can be a learning experience. What happened to Gothica did she leave with the rest of the goblins? But she was staying at the Inn for so long.
2024-02-18 14:42:00 A lovely chapter. V’s struggles are quite relatable. Im surprised valley wants to teach even though she REALLY wants to do magic. Or she says that a lot at least but we’ve seen her time and time again do other things like a teleport network (which I guess was supposed to fund her long term goals). Great to see the amount of investments The Inn are gonna be putting out. We got to schools forming (alchemy and magic) and for them to be related to the Inn is exciting for Erin’s reaction in the far distant future. Imani learning magic is great, I feel like it’s most earthers desire to have such cool magic they see in media n not. Nanette being able to come proves that Lyonnete is not super paranoid n wanting to shelter everyone. Which is great. I hope Nanette dosent throw alot of tantrums to get what she wants thou, can be a learning experience. What happened to Gothica did she leave with the rest of the goblins? But she was staying at the Inn for so long. Also no one commenting on the horse drinking beer n what not? Yes Ik it was a horse of a courier and it’s smart but still!

A lovely chapter. V’s struggles are quite relatable. Im surprised valley wants to teach even though she REALLY wants to do magic. Or she says that a lot at least but we’ve seen her time and time again do other things like a teleport network (which I guess was supposed to fund her long term goals). Great to see the amount of investments The Inn are gonna be putting out. We got to schools forming (alchemy and magic) and for them to be related to the Inn is exciting for Erin’s reaction in the far distant future. Imani learning magic is great, I feel like it’s most earthers desire to have such cool magic they see in media n not. Nanette being able to come proves that Lyonnete is not super paranoid n wanting to shelter everyone. Which is great. I hope Nanette dosent throw alot of tantrums to get what she wants thou, can be a learning experience. What happened to Gothica did she leave with the rest of the goblins? But she was staying at the Inn for so long. Also no one commenting on the horse drinking beer n what not? Yes Ik it was a horse of a courier and it’s smart but still!


How far off an erin chapter are we


How far off a erin chapter are we


Probably not anytime soon but it would have been cool if she enter in a dreamlike state and wonder around her inn almost as if she is using the eye theater when she is not physically there(MAYBE SHE IS THE BOX) jk :p

Chris Arundel

I absolutely loved this chapter!

Scott Soper

I hate to troll but I'm sincerely feeling a volume eight coming in. Hope I'm wrong.

M. Lampi

So, if Valeterisa knows the Reconstruction spell, couldn't she reconstruct Imani's eye?

Scott Soper

I feel like the healer of Tenbult and the restoration spell were portrayed as being much more powerful before Valley and Rags got their hands on it. I mean, it has helped no wounded person in the story since then. Now it can't even heal things that healing potions can heal (even a healing potion can reattach a limb if used quickly), so far the only confirmed use of the spell beyond what healing potions do is arthritis care. Teriarch and the Healer (maybe?) seem talented with the spell, but neither do altruism.

Scott Soper

We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces so whiskey for my men, and beer for the horses!

Scott Soper

Probably not honestly but apparently horses can drink beer. The song is a Toby Keith line.


Fun chapter. (During the 1st couple scene, I ended up listening to Saint Motel - My Type and then put it on repeat throughout. It was so fitting, IMO)