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I feel like the virus is still hitting people. I'm still sick. Probably a cold in my case but here's my last chapter before break! It's short, but hopefully it keeps you for a week!


Password: shortAndStillSick



How short


From the size of my scroll bar maybe 15-18k words? I'm probably wrong though haha

Celestial Thearch

thanks for the chapter and i hope you get better soon!


I just wanted to reiterate how much I love this series. I’m in the middle of a reread before reading, book 9. Again


Feel better. Thank you for the chapter, it was really fun.


omg omg omg I so hope to see how the free queen's experiments are going !

Russell Todd

Could be a case similar to Gazi and her armor. Too strong of an advantage means you can’t level without absurd difficulty. How high must the difficulty be for a mature dragon to level? Depending on when the trial occurred, it’s possible not even the creler wars met the requirements. In that case, they completed the trial but are softcapped from leveling.

Russell Todd

To speculate, with Eldavin being an errant piece of Teriarchs soul, if they were to ever merge would Teriarch gain his levels? Because the thought of the Dragonlord of Flame restored to his fighting prime and empowered by levels of his own is compelling.

Fitty Sebum

Ok, just to confirm, the soul is used and has some damage and IS NONREFUNDABLE. If this is acceptable, please sign here...and here...aaaannnndddd, yes, right there. Pleasure doing business.

Fitty Sebum

Yes. The virus is definitely still around. If it won't leave you, try getting completely off carbs and sugar. And. Comprehensive immunity from host defense while you're sick. :) it might work....


Had five different illnesses back to back to back to back to back for 2 straight months. Never covid. Think everything’s just going around because people were cooped up for so long. Never been sick like that all my life.


Thanks for the chapter, however, we can all wait (no matter what we think) for you to get better. Don't work while sick. It only prolongs the illness or causes setback in healing.

Jamie Messier

Have Pisces and Az’kerash ever talked about Toren? Pisces still thinks he failed with Toren right? Doesn’t know he’s still leveling.

Eddy G

See, I had similar thoughts regarding difficulty thresholds, but that doesn't really make much sense, since other creatures CAN and HAVE killed other dragons. Did none of them ever level while fighting off death?

Russell Todd

Az decided not to tell Pisces a ways back. I wonder if Pisces could learn about toren from a level up that grants him something pertaining to creating leveling undead.

Russell Todd

I do wonder now whether undead ever had to pass the trials or if they get a pass because they aren’t a species per se

Mista Woodsy

Toren and Healing Slime chapter is going to be soooo great when it happens!


I think it's more plausible that they did it for theier descendents the drakes

Scott Soper

Speculation: They USED to be able to level, the destruction of their Babel Tower in the Dragon throne via a tier 8 spell removed their levels because it was strong enough to eliminate the previous existence of the tower. They can't remember the trial because the System is tagging them as having completed it in the past?

Scott Soper

There seem to be many exceptions to the rule, or at least ways for individuals to cross back and forth over the monster/person line. Vampires can steal levels. People can lose people levels and gain monster (red) levels, and while we haven't seen it happen, presumably the flower girl of Esthelm would have lost her levels altogether if the florist class had hit zero. Constructs lack levels but using Zlekyr's formula and excellent ingredients (necromancer archmage bones) might make a leveling construct. Undead seem to be monsters that can keep levels if they're made as strong as revenants or unique like Chandler, and then there are the new kids.