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I am hungry. So I post the chapter and then can relax and eat. I feel like there might be something Pavlovian about all this but I think it works. Plus, I get snack breaks if I need them. Lunch, dinner, too. Actually, I should probably just have made food before posting but here we are. (36,700 Words)


Password: upliftingWordcount



Thanks for the chapter! Just wanted to let you know, I don’t think it’s exactly true that bird bones are hollow to reduce weight. The skeleton of a two ounce songbird weighs just as much as a two ounce rodent. Bird bone material is denser than mammalian bone material. That said, I’m not an expert on this. More importantly though, is the true power of the avian respiratory system. The lungs of birds interact with hollows in the bones, allowing birds to take in oxygen while both inhaling and exhaling (think circular breathing). https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/03/100322112103.htm https://infinitespider.com/pneumatic-bones-birds-and-you/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=175&v=kWMmyVu1ueY&embeds_euri=https%3A%2F%2Finfinitespider.com%2F&feature=emb_logo


Fantastic chapter aba. Nice setup for the next improvement too, with the Aluminium!

OneAngle Heaven

Well it's time for a Marcial Plan.

OneAngle Heaven

Well it's time for a Marcial Plan.


Somehow this might be in my top 5 favorite chapters.


Beautiful chapter

angie bell

such a heartwarming and inspirational story!


This chapter makes me want to google "trust me i am an Engineer" XD

Russell Todd

I legit can’t tell if you’re taking the piss with a statement like a 2oz songbird weighs just as much as a 2oz rodent.


The skeleton is the same weight. So if you took a 2 ounce bird, flesh and etc. included, and a rodent, flesh and etc., then stripped the bodies of both until only their bones remained, and then compared the weight of both skeletons they would be very similar in weight.


Loved it , thank you!


People do a lot of pointing in this world

General Corteau

The real game changer here is that wind spells are lightweight and powerful. Mk 3 should just be a few wind spell gems suspended in front of the aerofoils and blasting enough wind that the wings generate enough lift. No more wind spell blasting out from the back to provide thrust — this provides thrust and lift in the same motion!


Really enjoyed this chapter. This was a pov I enjoyed hearing about and a really great outlook on things.