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I'm going for it! No edits! Just writing! Aaaaaaaaaaah! ...Nope. No special hair or powerup. Just a big chapter. (45,500 Words)





Carvel Williams

Didn't she paint a massive target on her back? Now everyone is going To think they can do the same thing. I'm worried. If the whole world watches someone force the golden goose to lay an egg, then more people will try, and that doesn't end well. I wouldn’t say I liked how this chapter ended.


Great chapter! Do not burn your self out though. The break you have planned sounds like a really good idea!

Intorn Songkittipong

I think she will go level 50 after this tournament. Or her new inn will prevent that somewhat since it is a small fortress by itself. You will need an army or super elite team of high level people to do that if the Erin decided she will not hide in the Garden from the start. Well, you could always ambush outside the inn... 🤔 Then, the Brothers and Knight Order might do something? Hmmm, she will need more bodyguards then. Only Tessa is not enough from the look of it. 😎

Paul Jan

At worst, it becomes a reverse-[Army of the King] problem, where Erin keeps Heroic quests on cooldown constantly. Its not like Heroic quests are really all that safe, especially if you piss off the innkeeper. Someones going to need a Potion of Regeneration for themselves before this tournament is over.

Paul Jan

[Cure Mundane Wounds] should cover any damage but you'd have to be in the Antinum's good books...

Robert Johansson

She should of set her self on fire again


The Maestro is a puppet of the Necromancer right? The scene where the undead rat warns off the plague drake and then immediately after the Maestro stops him from killing Pisces. The plague drake blames "upstart necromancers." I don't think he was talking about Pisces.


yh he was talking about azkerash , maestro has music skills so he could not be a puppet.


An Anarchist named… Commie. Sounds about right.

Anthena Sales

I love chapters that focuses on Erin. I also love how her character is developing and how she is tapping into her shadow side🤌🤌 🤌

Robert Johansson

knowing Erin I see her going back to physical training so she can't be dispelled again


Yup. This is the proverbial kick in the butt to get her focused and training. Because if she doesn't up her game, she'll have a multitude of party's looking to 'coerce' her into providing quests. Heck, I see this also pushing her to upgrade the inn. Because the kill room didn't prevent this from happening.

Scott Soper

I think this is probably the woman in the prison jumpsuit from way back in the beginning of the story who is probably trolling other Earthers with her handle. And a lot of readers, too, probably. I doubt she is a literal Communist in the story, but that's just a guess. This story has taken inspiration from the financial troubles of Eastern Europe under the USSR before, though, so maybe assume the author is talking about the one-party authoritarian Communism of history when they use the word, and is not a fan of Communism in general. That said, if you're testing Pirateabba for political purity, when it comes to socio-economic success in the story the Libertarian capitalists of the north Isrill basically live in unwalled street-sewers compared to the well-regulated and taxed drake cities of the south, and they got a literal authoritarian command economy Utopian paradise in Khelt. Pirateabba is a socialist!! LOL


So far Erin has gotten even with everyone who's crossed her. I can't wait to see what she does to these guys.

Fitty Sebum

All the words. I worry it means they'll stop one day and that would be real tragedy in my life. So. You rest if you need it. Please.

Kevin Choi

Is Erin ever going to learn to treat her life more dearly? She already 'died'..... But she still decided to fight assasins.