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Winter is coming...no, wait. Again. Australia. Winter is coming to a part of the hemisphere. Really need to workshop that. (21,600 Words)








At least someone remembers us Australians

Timothy Baril

Love it. Thanks for the story. :)


Alright guys. Yall got 4 days to buy milk and pepto bismol (or equivalents). Next chapter is gonna be SPICY

Tommy Tai

Great story. Chromebook gaming, maybe GeForce now? Also oxce, original x com with years of modding and updates. Favorite mod is xcom files, amazing game, lots of replayability


Interesting chapter. I feel like we had a huge cliffhanger with Erin multiple chapters ago that hasn't gotten fully addressed. She took a major backseat and a lot of time passed and now a new big thing is happening, like the plan to show off statues to groups at a time was just forgotten about. When is she going to show the horns statues? When is the haven going to actually consider what they learned with a calm mind instead of just reacting in the moment? It was a huge epic moment but the aftermath was just completely dropped to focus on multiple side characters for a while now. I've been struggling to get through each chapter since then.

Carvel Williams

Ooh, I can't wait for the next chapter. I want to hear what Magnolia has to say and what Erin will say to veltras, and Magnolia doesn't like Veltras either. The long-awaited conversation between Ryoka and the Antiniums. Hopefully, Magnolia is there too because that conversation will seriously leave her shaken. Let the chaos begin.

General Corteau

Agreed — I love this story but I think there's too many meandering storylines — we should be focusing on specific ones and carrying them to the finish line. If they intersect, it's possible to tell the story from multiple perspectives, or just drop side storylines and reference them only when they intersect, then retroactively fill in with a future side chapter.


I was under the impression that the chapter jumped back in time a little and caught up at the end. Also Erin is somewhat scatterbrained and with something as important as the statues might be focusing on the Swords until they leave or has just decided that the Horns aren't quite ready/need to wait until they're about to leave. Something like the statues would give them something to talk about on the road for sure. I also think it's only been a few days maybe a week since the great door tax.


What makes you think the statues are forgotten? There's no timeline on them.

David Radford

Winter’s still coming in Australia, it’s just a bit further off!


A good chapter that made me smile at end, love chapters that connects to the inn.


We are in Tasmania The last three days have felt like winter 😉


I have a question, last winter I don’t remember it getting cold until the frost fairies showed up. I remember that Erin was particularly surprised that everyone was saying Winter was coming because it didn’t feel cold and suddenly there was snow. This Time around seems a bit different, is that because there’s no frost fairies? Either way, the way it’s been written about all the characters seem to think it’s normal, or am I just remembering things incorrectly?

Shakango Resident

Exactly plus all these stories are related to overarching story beats plus that thing with the statues has been had multi chapter relevance

Shakango Resident

I remember this too but things changed due to the previous winter solstice and the things with Ivolethe which Erin hints at in one of the previous chapters or this very one,unsure.


it's probbly because the fairy realm is now sealed off, the world WAS probbly surplyed with winter by the winter fae but now that the gods are back (even if they are still mostly dead) there is no way the fae would risk comming here, so either the system, the world or the dreaming demi-god is someow compensating since winter needs to happen for a healthy ecosystem

Jamie Messier

So Erin gets a lot of skills at the end of the chapters these days - and I wish it were the opposite. I like how they change the chapter in a positive way while we see her get it early on - and then how it’s gets it’s use.