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The final chapter is out. It will be public to all readers on release as well as Patrons. Please beware of spoilers in the comments below, Discord, Reddit, and the site and be courteous to fellow readers.

I have divided it into 3 chapters like last time to break up the word count. There is also an epilogue. Volume 8 is over. I will be on break for a month. Patreon is paused and I...

I think I've said everything I want to. Thanks for reading.

(18,000 Words + 17,300 Words + 27,000 Words + 6,000 Words = 68,300 Words)







Have a wonderful break, Pirate. You deserve the time off and more

Mista Woodsy

What a gift you are PirateAba! It is such special writing magic… wishing you unexpected wonderful and time in nature! Rest those typing fingers too - 🌻


Great work! Enjoy your vacation and stay away from writing. Burnout happens even for stuff you love. So shorter chapters, proper rest and enjoy the other items in life. Cause it's one hell of a story and I don't want it to end anytime soon.


One of the things Terry said when we met him that always stuck with me, was that he's a writer. That's his profession. So he writes. 5 days a week, up to 8 hours a day. Most of it is garbage, but some of it coalesces into actual stories which he can then focus on. I think that's true for most writers. Constantly churning through concepts, drafts, ideas, just to discard most of them. It's basically just training.

John Koor

Switch to one post a week instead of the shorter chapter as your goal. Even if you start short, you'll likely creep back up to long chapters again, so you might as well try once a week and hopefully guarantee a few days off each week. Something like 3 days off, 4 on.

Victor Mijares

Bit of a spoiler, but i dont think it is myself. so dont keep reading this if you haven't read the chapters.. At the end of the epilogue it says post: basic quest obtained and so on. Are this like quests she will have to do? or like a skill were she can put up a post on her board and make a quest for others to go to and get magically reward?

christian rodriguez

I was thinking more along the lines of these quests are the last wishes of her friends, through accomplishing these she will gain a skill from them or remember more about them. Because at the end of the epilogue it says she remembers but we are not clear on what it is she remembers, or how much she remembers. Another thing is, the quests might just be a sort of safe guard that allows her to digest all the information safely.


i think its the last because she remembered every story and face and the battle with the dead gods when the massage of the system ended.


Welp time to reread the entire Wandering Inn series until the next update. Book 1 should last me a few months.


Right up there with one of my other favorite chapters of any book ( which would be ch.100 of Three square Meals), but great chapter and I look forward to you never ending this story!


Did PA go back and edit volume 1?


Great chapter. Relc rocks. And I love the Beriad of the Antinium.

Jamie Messier

The quest skills are listed… 5 of them right? And then it goes on to say ‘tell Cawe’ so that’s number one, maybe the basic quest… if you keep reading pirate lists four more projects Erin remembers from the death lands, attached to four other dead person or persons who gave her a request. Of varying degrees of difficulty. I’m excited for chapter 1 volume 9 because we should get to see Erin tell Bone dude’s message from Cawe. Don’t ask me to spell His name and be confident, nope!

