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There will be no chapter posted today, though I have just completed it, just as I said. It is going to be edited, like chapters before it.

I have written a 41k chapter. Yes, you heard that right. I'm very tired. However, I regard it somewhat like the first edited chapter by Rebecca Brewer. It might be...good? 

I'll see about getting it to Navah Wolfe for editing, and look forwards to it, but there will be no chapter tonight. Sorry! But a chapter later? Delayed gratification is better than instant gratification? I'm tired. Night!


Joshua Case

Thanks for your hard work, pirateaba. I'll always be grateful for the amazing world you've written. I can't wait to read this monstrosity!


The chapter is actually me writing Warhammer 40k's sequel from start to finish. This is sarcasm.

Fluffy druid

Sweet love. GET SOME REST,pirate


Sleep tight


Please take care of yourself pirate! we all love you.

Matt Creighton

I want this chapter so goddamn bad the Rebecca brewer chapter was the Pisces slavery one right? Cuz that was a masterpiece


Ayo wtf so many words! Don't burn yourself out Pirate!


Pirate: "I need to relax more and write less" Also Pirate: "Hey guys, i've just written a 41K chapter!" We love ya mate but think of ye health!


I see pirate is leveling up fast! Few more levels or some new Skill and i expect we gonna see 50k words chapters on average. FeelsGoodMan


Return to your pokeball and have a good long rest

James Ging

Thank you for the wonderful work you do and the joy it sparks in so many. Please rest and take care of yourself. With big chapters like this, I think it would be very reasonable to split it into two updates unless it is completely narratively untenable.


Aww. It’s ok. It’ll make reading it that much MORE awesome.


the waiting will make it even better. thanks for everything pirate!


With 41k I hope she is coming back from the dead

Nolan Bowling

Welp... looks like this tab is going to be left unclosed and frequently refreshed for the next few days.

Joshua Flowers

Jeez here I thought you would ease up on the word count after ending an arc. Such powerful writing techniques have surpassed this frog's comprehension. I suspect you have broken through the Despairing Fingers bottleneck into the Divine Carpal Tunnel. Legend has it Author Dao is formed at this stage.


Who else kept refreshing like once an hour since wednesday?


Please forgive me but I have been a supporter since I first read Pirateaba just haven’t had time to learn or explore this site and how it works


i have written some messages and put them in message area to her but I don’t think she gets them

Umar Musa

What do you need assistance with Bob Fry?