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It's the end of an arc...how many volumes have you been waiting? (33,200 Words)








-reading intensifies-

Kevin Choi

Really feel like the last three chapters could have been one.... Didn't really feel anything from these chapters... But, I do admit I'm biased, the 'K' and 'E' chapters have to me always felt the weakest.


The end of an arc and the beginning of something new. Thanks Pirate, this was well worth the wait. P. S. Did poor Gazi finally get a unique class?


Very Scrumptious, Supremely Satisfying. Chefs kiss.


I thought the first was a little slow, but I loved all 3. I think the main issue with them is where they were placed in relation to the resurrection arc.

Alexander Hallonblad

I loved it! And TWI is one of those rare series you feel strongly urged to reread so don't worry too much about getting it perfect on the first posted draft, your art will live long past its Web serial shelf-life.


Oh my god!!!! That was amazing!!!! I loved all of that. I was stressing though out the whole thing, So many twists and turns. It was all planed out, but felt like chaos. 4D chess for sure. The mastermind really know what they were doing. WOW. That chapter really opens up a lot of new avenues for chapters. So many characters have new pathways to explore. WOW. THANKS FOR A GREAT CHAPTER, AND A GREAT STORY. TWI FOR THE WIN.

Umar Musa

Holysmokes, what a chapter!


~ Mini spoiler ~ “I’m dying. Lady Pathseeker, I’m dying.” “Keep running.” “Yes, Lady Pathseeker.” This had me rolling haha 😂


This chapter was insane! I'm jumping up and down rn DAMN!


Tried to post this on the chapter itself but the website is acting weird so I’m posting it here. Spoiler warning: Congrats to pirate on creating such a human and down to earth group of villains. Its probably why I hate them so much. To get such a visceral reaction out of me is amazing and I can only applaud pirate on her character creation skills and writing. It’s amazing how they think they’re in the right even though they mainly make war for fun. It was good to see one of Flos’s court die for a change instead of him just steam rolling everyone as per usual. Hopefully there won’t be a redemption arc for him, and his people. They take too much joy in killing for it to feel like a natural conclusion. It would be interesting to see Troy and amerys fight against flos over his stance on slaves. Either way it’d be nice to see flos get a taste of his own medicine. Glad we’re moving onto other arcs though, I’m excited to see what’s next


Wooo, good chapter!

[Corrupt Cleric]

This chapter is the fastest I've ever read 33k words in little under 2 hours. Pirate, you are the best writer I have ever known, and the Wandering Inn is by far my favorite series of all time. Now, I don't say that lightly, having read from 7 years to my 32 now, but its the absolute truth.


After all this time, this was a great conclusion to the arc. If this was another series and not a part of the wandering inn, this would be the highlight of the story. But this is the wandering inn and it is filled with these moments that keep bringing me back for more.

Summer Woodsong

I'm waiting until tonight to read this, so I can savor it. Anticipation!! Every time you bring out a Volume on Audible, I read all the volumes from the beginning and then listen to the new audio book - so The Wandering Inn definitely qualifies for my long term/re-readable collection. I plan to buy print copies for my permanent collection as those become available. I find that I am both incredibly ready for the conclusion of this story, and dreading that the story will be over. Thank you, thank you so much for this wonderful story, marvelous world and incredible characters.


Yeah, that was a terrible chapter, sorry but I am done with the story. horrible motivation for most of the characters.


Good chapter and arc!


I love everything you write. Even about characters that I don't like, because you've made a wonderful world. I'm excited if Erin ever gets to meet Trey or Cara.


This arc was everything I hoped it would be! Thank you!!!

Paul Millsted

Not a huge Troy fan, making her swear to spend the rest of her life fighting slavery as the price of her freedom was pretty awful if you think about it.


Yeah no more that king’s chapter. I hope we never see him until next year


Amazing chapter, loved every bit of it and can't wait to see the consequences of the escape


Eh? Since he only asked for her promising to do it, the only “chains” is her own willingness to honor it. That is a very hard definition of “chains” you have there. Besides I do not see her as an average person. This is no different than asking a defeated ruler to comply with a policy going forward.


I'll be the first to admit that I was less than eager to have 3 new chapters dedicated to any other storyline besides the return of Erin. That said, this third installment made the first two worth it. I like the Archmage of Lightning. I now like Trey much more (his goals being Actelios and the end of slavery). I like that Galei is an immortal. I like that Gazi wasn't the actual plan to help Amerys escape. Aside from Liscor and Liscorian adjacent topics I've begun to like the politics on Chandrar (courtesy of the Horns and Khelt). There now seems to be an alignment between Team Flos and Team Horns. This appeals to me. Now if you want to make me completely happy bring Erin back and have a reverse of the scene between Erin and Flos when Erin told him off and he half jokingly suggested he pay a visit to Liscor.


Really enjoyed the arc!


"There now seems to be an alignment between Team Flos and Team Horns." Gazi tried to kill Ceria and Erin. Yvlon is friends with Yisame who's about to get attacked by Flos. "Now if you want to make me completely happy bring Erin back and have a reverse of the scene between Erin and Flos when Erin told him off and he half jokingly suggested he pay a visit to Liscor." I think i'd like Erin + Horns and Flos to be on opposite sides at least for a while. Erin gonna be on the same side with Niers and Flos hates Niers for killing Queravia. Like let Horns save Yisame from Flos or something and put them against each other. I want some Earthers to end up on opposite sides, like give me Erin and Rickel vs Trey + Elena + Cara or something. Just at the very end let them all come together against the Gods.

Brendan Murphy

I don't think Galei is immortal, I think he was just saying the quarass is immortal


Lets not forget that Gazi has Ceria's spellbook now. I am sure that won't be resolved smoothly lol


Is there going to be a chapter tonight?

Umar Musa

Pirate did say that we may miss a chapter, but she usually posts on here so us ducks can get some sleep right?


I hope trey becomes a Vassal


Typo: "Then a little Lifesand Golem charged forwards, got blown to pieces by own of Yolv’s spells, and the Dwarf shouted." by one of Yolv's spells