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Hi. How's your new year doing?

Me? I realized that my health is not great. Or sleep schedule. Or weight...it's time to  exercise! Use my break for self improvement! Um...write?

So this is an update on Gravesong and the poll. I have plans to release Gravesong before my break ends, but as I told you, revisions are essential. These last few days, I have added onto Gravesong with substantial revisions of 15-20k new words.

That's on top of about 130,000 words that I wrote...way back. Because books are hard! And this one was top-secret for a long time. It sat for a year almost because I was hoping to get it published by a big publication company, but that never went through.

So here we are, in revisions at last. I'll be sending it back to Diana Gill for edits, but I do plan on giving you some version before the break ends. I know it's a wait, but imagine writing this in...2020. And not telling anyone for an entire year.

Life is hard for me. However! We're getting close so be excited! Moderately excited! That's where Gravesong is and I will update you or give you the story soon! Before the break ends, at least. 

Now onto the poll. The theme is...aliases. And the story. Because  this poll is full of guaranteed arcs. Which do you want to see first? We're working as fast as we can...wait, I can. But it's still a matter of order, so vote away for a guaranteed chapter! Thanks for reading. Now, back to rest, work, exercise...wait, none of these things go together. I'll figure it out.




Thanks for all the work you do!


Thank you!


Literally any of these, yup thanks.


We gotta get the hectval war arc please


Wow this was hardest poll ever and I caved and voted for them all


Thanks! By the way : Troy for the win


I've been looking forward to the totally honorable and most chivalrous adventures of Ser Solstice the... Raider.


Hey Pirate, if you haven't tried it, going for walks is great mental and physical exercise that's pretty easy to commit to, strongly recommend. Thanks for the many words :)

Ford-Thomas Frank Loveland

Is there anyway to lock pirate in a spa to make them actually relax. Still can't believe they used their break week to write more. No wonder pirate is tired


Looks like it's shaping up to be another close one. It's so hard to decide! I am moderately excited about all of this!


You will want Ser Solstice, angry gnoll or Mri as your top picks if you want great chapters

Bryan Strahm

I'd like to state for the record that even if the Mri chapter doesn't win I DESPERATELY want to know about what a high level [Tailor] can do.


Your pace is so incredibly fast that I shudder to think of your potential should you ever take up stenography / plover. _you would be unstoppable_


I recommend walking for exercise. I try and do a bit over 2 miles a day with a weighted vest. I listen to podcasts at the same time.


Gosh I want Troy Arc there...and Luan... And all of them ? I'd suggest you'd take an actual break for actual months.... But now I expect you'd come back from that with new books and comics. Do please rest though and make sure to take care of yourself :)

Matthew Lester

Take more breaks take more breaks TAKE MORE BREAKS. You write an entire book every two weeks you’re going to go insane. I would rather have a slow steady trickle then another abandoned series I love.


I've been looking forward to my favorite author taking a well deserved break, where is the option to give you more rest time? Writing an amazing tale such as the Inn is great but I would rather you be healthy and well of mind.


Take a vacation please! I know with the current situation that's kind of hard, but there must be spa resorts or beaches or something open... Also the shorter chapters were quite good! So there really is no need for 30000 words twice a week. It's fine like this! ❤️


Honestly, I agree. I love TWI but holy crap, take a month off without actually working during it.


This just breaks my heart! When will Erin be revived then. If not in the next chapter, does that mean we have to wait another month? :'(


How does one get a signed first edition?

Henry Feahn

As much I would love to read about Rabbit eater, I NEED the 8 volume long Ameres thing to put out more info


Is it just me who can never decide on the poll?


This was a hard poll


Me too Sarah!


I vote longer break if you need it rather than an extra chapter. I'm here till the end so waiting an extra week isn't going to kill me. It will but, it's a better death than Aba burning out. Also, take it slow with exercise. It's more important to do it consistently than any one session of higher effort. Drink lots of water and stretch. It's better do a shorter workout and more stretch than a longer one with no stretching. I love you as a writer and look forward to reading all your works for years and years to come. Take care of yourself. We don't want to be in a George R.R. Martin situation. You write a lot so, make sure you care for your instrument.


I want an "All of the above" button on every poll.


From personal experience, the best way to exercise is to have regular walks, 2 times per day.


I just cot a rowing machine for the holidays and it is an awesome workout from home!


It's also a great way to relax the mind too. A big deep breath before you start then just walk. Don't think about anything but be aware of what's passing you by, you don't need to have an accident


Please take the time for yourself so you can be healthy. I would like to read also in the future your stories 😜

Deepak Kamlesh

Dear Pirateaba, thank you so much for all your hard work. I trust you completely to know and do what's best for you and the story. That said it does make me feel sad to read that you are in less than optimal health and so I would just like to say to not forget to take care of yourself.


"Life is hard for me." - Please let us know if there is a way you would like to feel appreciated! Amazon wish list? A get well card? You're my favorite author of the Covid-19 era. Undisputed. Undefeated. I love everything you do. :)

Ram nevet

people pleaseeeees vote for troy atlas, we've been hanging on this amerys break out cliff hanger forever, I'm dying to see it happening already, its not like rabbiteater is on some cliff hanger we must see now


Saw that sir solstice was tied with Troy @844 Went ahead an fixed that. VOTE Solstice 2022


Give me Troy or give me death! Or any of the other options, honestly, but I don’t want to hang on this Troy cliff any longer than I need to.


I want Luan, but had to vote for Troy over Sir Solstice.


We will get them all in time. Right now i want to see Luan, with certainly no fraelings peeking out of his pockets, take charge of Geneva's people.