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The last chapter of the year is out! Make sure to read the announcements for timelines! See you next year and thanks for reading! (19,600 Words)






YAYAYAY. Thanks Aba. Have a great new years. Thanks for a great 2020.


I was literally thinking your break had already started so this is a wonderful surprise. Enjoy your break Pirate!


Awesome!!!! Can’t wait to start!!!


Does anyone else rub their hands with glee when another Innworld chapter drops?

Isaac Boyles

Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! I have no other response than this


I guess it truly is the holidays when I get so mixed up in days that these kind of happy surprises happen. I was somehow thinking the chapter would come tomorrow.


Thanks for the update! Looking forward to gravesong and for the last tide! And the redone first chapters. So much to look forward to in 2022. Happy new year!

Alvin Baena

Have a nice break pirateaba. Don't break anything!

luke eustace

I'm sure patrons wouldn't mind if you just published grave song just as an eBook and we all bought it on amazon you would get 4,500 purchases right away. well worth for 150k wandering inn content.


Just need Cthulhu to appear!


Can’t believe a magic world got power armor before we did. There better be some secret Spartan program in Area 51 or I’m going to get depressed.

Kevin Choi

I always have found the amnesia!character the most annoying and lazy author trope. The character literally has no character development, and the author can 'revive' them via authors fiat at any time. Super frustrating as a reader....


I think the unusual tilt the story takes with it is quite original. Super interesting as a reader


Dear PirateAba, you rock. It's such an amazing world you've brought me into. I love your incredible work and creativity, which has kept me sane through 262 days of lock-down, but sometimes sleep deprived (in a good way). I hope you have a great break and know you're appreciated and loved. Bye!

Joshua Flowers

Work Harder! Your Patrons are Displeased with your meager offering... So we levy an additional 5k wordcount tax to your next chapter's harvest. There's too much life left in those fingers to be typing Happy Holidays and the like, they should be typing pages for your Dark Lords' amusement.