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I wrote...a bit. (35,300 Words)





Josh Bong

I'm afraid of clicking the next chapter because of a recent incident lol. Thank you for the new Chap!


What inci.. ooh. You mean that😆. Thanks for the chap Aba, I was starting to twitch when I woke up and it wasnt up yet. Darn withdrawal symptoms


Such a good chapter


So great! a perfect chapter!

Joshua Flowers

I see he hates a lot of things, but does Theofore like vests?


I hope at some point we cover some of the loose plot threads, what lurks in the heart of Liscors dungeon, how did the gods die, where are the Elves?


I been kinda thinking about how goblins are one of the younger races and how other races are gone, what if, when ever a goblin king appear he is able to uncover something that happnend a long time ago, like one race was changed into another as the cost for some great spell or something and that's why they go mad with fury, 1000 of years of being treated as monsters when they as a race paid the price for banishing the gods or something like it....

Jamie Messier

The pigeon from ‘Storks’ saying coo coo cccc coo cc cool cool coooooooooooul. Cool.


I'm going to need at least another 8 miillion words to be satatiated.


I was thinking the same thing Crom. Theres gotta be some kind of connection between the elves and the goblins and since the goblin chieftains can see the memories of previous chieftains then maybe the kings can see far enough back to when they became to be


I hadn't given this much thought until I read your reply now I can't stop thinking about it and how much your theory makes so much sense !