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Foood poooooisoning. Aaaaaaaaaah. (23,200 Words)





Andre Washington

I hear fluids helps with that. Gotta be careful not to upset your stomach regardless of which end its coming out of. ^_^

[Corrupt Cleric]

Oh Pirate, I'm soooo sorry! Few things are worse than legitimate food poisoning 🥺


Oh no. Coconut water and aloe juice. Natural cures. Feel better soon!!!!!

Joshua Flowers

"Foliana’s stupid tail" HEY! It's not stupid...


jsyk emails were not sent out for this announcement :/

Stady the Savior

Mine was in my spam this time. Don't know if yours was, but it took me a few hours to realize it was released.

Samantha Lane

I'm so sorry to hear you're ill again. Ginger is great for helping with violent and debilitating intestinal viruses, up to and including giardia. Put raw ginger in your tea or water when you're rehydrating, it helps. I am, however, callous: if you haven't spent 6-72 hours on a shower floor ejecting from both ends, splattered and lying in filth, curling up under a blanket and then throwing it away for a cold water sluice before shivering and slowly crawling back for your blanket, well, how can you possibly appreciate normalcy? How else do you know to appreciate your shower, your toilet, and just average unextraordinary life? PS. do it in a hostel in India where strangers will see, hear and smell your wretched, naked self, but you're too sick to care. I hear childbirth also helps develop humility.

Umar Musa

Is there a reddit page for patreon users? I'd love to discuss how the chapter went without giving away spoilers on here.


Strange, didn't get an email for this one. Just came here to check because 8.42 got posted on the subreddit.


I hope you feel better. Reading this chapter really ended my night in a happy way.


Hope you feel better....Wyrms are idiots


Patreon emails started going to my spam folder randomly yesterday afternoon. Google must not like people getting money outside of their channels.


umm this was an odd chapter , it started great! And then past middle went to......someplace where i had to recheck if i was still reading the same chapter/story several times, i still don't know what that was, it sure didn't seem like the same story, and then the chapter recovered into great again...lets hope the middle part gets edited out and blame it on bad frozen pizza.

Joshua Flowers

You mean the part about the characters from a previous chapter in the story who's involvement with a central character in the story has lead to additional benefits for said character's journey getting a spot in the limelight for a couple paragraphs really confused you?

Deepak Kamlesh

Fun chapter Pirate! Get better soon. :)


Enjoyed the chapter. In volume eight you have way more pov's per chapter. I both like and slightly dislike this. Like seeing everyone more frequently! Slightly dislike that story progression is slower than dedicated chapters. I STILL LOVE THE STORY. Keep up the good work!


I thought that the space people was going to be another book she was going to start. Ever thing is going well but I learned Nothing ever goes smooth. So when that thing fell off The edge of the world he went to space.


Yes that part, it didn't follow the flow of the story, it felt it was just put there because it had been written some time ago and had to be put somewhere, most of the chapter is a follow up on the last and then "paragraphs" are added in the middle and breaks the flow of the chapter. If the chapter had started with that it would have been totally different, the reader would have had a chance to get into it and then moved away, but to put it in the middle, broke the flow for the rest of the chapter.


Takes time to overcome food poisoning. Hopefull you're well and in good health soon. Enjoyed each part of the chapter so much I'm feeling a little guilty you weren't well during your creative process. Thank you.


I wish you the best in overcoming such a painful problem.


I've been listening to all the audiobooks with the 3rd volume now available. And I have therefore gone back and started to reread the following volumes. I have noticed a major discrepancy in terminology. Human lords and ladies refer to themselves as being a lord/lady of the REALM. I find this very confusing, when reading the full text. that a group of nobles who fled their homeland because of the mechanisms of Kings would refer to their land as a realm. A realm is the lands held by a monarch It is a kingdom and requires a King of Queen yet the nobles of Isril object to the idea of having a king of Queen


aye, them being lords of the Izril realm would imply that they are lords under a monarch even if it's just part of Izril, other way it would work if Izril was divided into city states or areas where the lords rule was absolut, which is implied in the later books when one of the Ladies tells one of the Lords that she might offer the citizen of his lands to move to her if he can't support them. it implies that Izril is divided into land areas but when they all talk about North they talk as if it was one realm. Add Larken to that mess...to borrow immortal words from Erin "maybe it's magic!" as an explanation :)


Hope you are feeling better. Your description of food poisoning sounds like my kidney stones. When the stone is still rattling around in the kidney, my stomach and back hurt.

Kevin Choi

Awww... stayed up as late as I could for the chapter. No dice