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If I was an artificial intelligence, this story might come out faster. But I might also destroy the world. Always a catch (29,700 Words)





Umar Musa

As long as you destroy the world after the story is finished.


I'm grateful you're authentic and not artificial. Imagination is organic.

matt emmons

If you destroy the world....we could all move to innworld. I can't decide which class I would choose.....not a clown....


Ooooooh shit its all coming together



Kevin Choi

The whole vampire conspiracy thing didn't seem plausible... And this one doesn't either.

David Giles

I consider the world an acceptable price.


Very interesting chapter!


Actually this one seems more plausible to me because the explanation is ...magic. which can and is acceptable for writing fantasy, on occasion. Plus the fact that all gnolls are on new continent, mostly. The vamp conspiracy made less sense, because you'd have to practically douse the whole continents water supply in expensive silver, and consistently throughout the ages. The five families would need to be involved and have to know, but we haven't heard from them yet. Still, I am enjoying these twists immensely.

Alvin Baena

Ah, great chapter as always


Oh man... Crippling the magic of an entire race?.. That's just bad karma. No way that doesn't come back to bite you.


Faster? My perception of reasonable word count is already horribly skewed by the current pace.

luke eustace

I'm guessing at the time when your at war with the vampires there would be a lot of motivation for a lot of people and everyone did it and just house byres kept it up with most water supplies like wells being contaminated already.


Oh. Oh my. Spoiler alert... The Plains Eye tribe *knew*. Way back when. That's their only thing; they can "see", and could see the crystals that did this. And I bet they were a little weak tribe, and the drake's gave them a deal...and now they are the biggest, strongest tribe. And they push hard for the "old" ways. That the gnolls can't do magic. That anyone who pushes otherwise is "removed". *That any white gnolls, who have magic power despite what has been done, are "Doom" and must be exhaustively hunted and killed.* They literally betrayed their people for a deal with the drake's, way back when.


Except the plains eye tribe clearly didn’t know. They didn’t even know the mage had been coerced into lying by people claiming to be them.


ive left 3 to build up. this is hard werk. and another one out tomorrow!


Nope. The chieftain said he didn't know who grabbed her. Doesn't mean he didn't give the order and someone else assigned others to do it. So even though he ordered it he can honestly say he doesn't know who did.


Great chapter!!! Love it!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️