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We're back again! This is the poll for February.

This time, it's of perspectives not in the main plotlines pool. Not optional or trivial or true 'side stories' per se; just different characters taking the spotlight.

Vote away!


Gabe Canada

I'm voting for Rufelt and Lassica because they deserve the space to mourn and it shouldn't always be fun. Greif is impactful. And there's more than sadness tucked away in mourning.


I am once again asking for your vote. Please choose Rufelt and Lasica! We need more suffering!

OneAngle Heaven

Just a reminder that you can vote for multiple options.


In-plot suffering is fine, and anyone can give us that. But those two... I'm just too worried that the meta-suffering of having to slog through it is too great, and that the writing quality might not be there.


Ilvriss is cool but Octavia is just fun.

random bypasser

Why do people wanna see octavia? Maybe potions and the allure of her being friends with the shaman? Personally IIvriss number one. Need to see more of his reaction to erin’s death


Octavia is numbtounges best friend in the inn, so i guess a part of it is just goblin gang, hoping for some numbtounge updates. Aside from that she’s always fun, she’s had a lot of development and been a important plot side-character but has had little screen time to display it in book 7. Basicly she deserves it


Isn’t Ilvriss the Wall Lord? Him please

Deepak Kamlesh

No one interested in what our newly minted assassin is up to or how the war is developing in Chandrar?


I think the war is going to stagnate until either Flos can force a battle with [Army of the King] or Trey returns with Amerys and they toast a army on their own, I wonder how big a [Lifesand Golem] he could make of whatever Amerys leaves over after chewing up a few divisions of invasive grunts? Or does it only work with his own blood?


Glad I'm not the only one in the Ilvris gang


How about the only vampire out and about after the world thought they disappeared thousands of years ago?


IIvris is still setting up his necromancer campaign and no clue how he is taking the "Erin Hitias" as she probably will not return until the middle or the end of this "book" so to speak.


I can vote for multiple things! I chose all of them. xD


I think we briefly saw him in one of the last Vol 7 chapters.


Poor Fierre is lost in all that's going on, has anyone even considered her? It appears Ryoka's forgotten or is unconcerned where she left her, and how she must be feeling really lost, with her best 'normal' friend having left her.


I've forgotten who Rie is...


Emperor Lakens [Lady] advisor, fairly highly ranked member of the Circle of Thorns.

Crusina Luachra

I couldn't handle a story about those two not after what happened 😯


I'm going for Rie. Let's see what she does when someone offers her a founding membership in the successor to the Circle.


Agreed, the passing mentions of it are feelsbad enough for me

Crusina Luachra

That would be my second vote. Hopefully we can see her fess up and turn around.


I couls seriously vote multiple times on țhis one. So many I want to hear from! You know what Pirateaba? I bet you will take me where I want to go just the same.


This is GameStop! Power to the people




Please goblin

Samantha Lane

I initially voted Fierre, cause her story's just hanging. Now voting for Octavia/Geneva.


RELC?! *changes vote*


jup gotta be relc. I want to know what our Thug.... i mean guard is up to.

John Koor



Though I am fully prepaired to back Ilvriss if it's the only way to avoid... less desireable outcomes. I'd prefer to keep my vote for Octavia and Fierre, preferably resulting in eithers victory.


Obviously, we’re voting for Octavia or Badarrow....right? Oh and Fierre (gets a Toren Bonus)


It's 2021 now.

Donato Hunter

If we want that bonus story some folks are gonna have to hop off the definitely not winning options. I’m still on team Octavia, but if Badarrow gets in striking distance I may have to hop ship. Don’t think I could deal with the LasiRue chapter. Had enough abject sadness for a bit.


i would wager that most of the not-winning options are not solo votes, i.e. they are from people throwing them in along with their votes for actually plausible winners

Gabe Canada

Vote Corn Dad! Vote Rie! Reeeeeeee!


Remember you can vote for more than one. All votes to runner up vs Ilvriss plz.


Relic is just a nice guy trying his best, give him a chance


Come on guys 6 hours to go! Pool resources to either Badarrow or Octavia, just can't let Ilvriss win!




Not gonna lie, voted for everything but Octavia, because the Baleros earth people are gross degenerates. Wish we had some Rabbiteater though


Yknow I’m honestly shocked by his popularity as I’d put ilvris barely above ryoka/Geneva/Flos — 🤔


I always found Ilvris pretty interesting but am super sad our green boys couldn't pull through. Abas gobbos are just so interesting to me with the inheireted memories a d whatnot.

Kevin Choi

I honestly wish we could see Relc go through a super racist Drake city and notice how much Erin has changed Liscor.

Samantha Lane

Just checking in to see which chapter won, and we lost?! Ilvriss won!?