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As always, here are hints and spoilers which you are free to share or not, to inform your choice.

Ilvriss - The Wall Lord is on the move. But can he juggle an unpredictable Named Adventurer, politics, and his personal and duties to his people? Moreover...where is he going? Has lots of money and a changing Drake trying to find a way forwards.

Rufelt and Lasica - You know the theme and tone. But what is Pallass at this moment? Without Erin? I'd call this 'slice of life', but it's not a fun slice of life. And yet, this is the chapter to give this couple due process and respect and to see everything.

Rie - Speaking of everything...what happens to a member of a secret society when it's no longer cool? See how the desperate throw their cards around. We get to see some inner workings of the Circle. They're not gone yet. But is Rie with them?

Fierre - Vampires in Invrisil. You know what you're voting for. Note the plurality, thanks.[

Badarrow - Not a Goblinhome chapter, but a more focused chapter on the Hobgoblin himself and his personal relationships. Again, processing. But the High Passes are changing and without the Dragon...perhaps this is your adventure chapter.

Jecaina - The King of Jecrass, the King of Duels, is imprisoned. Medain is on the attack and the King of Destruction is still at war. What will she do to save her nation? Contains high-level characters, the ruling of a kingdom from someone thrust too early into the role. Maybe oranges.

Octavia - Alchemy. Alchemy in The Wandering Inn? Not a good time...but what has Octavia been doing? Perhaps it's time for the [Alchemist] to leave her workroom, if only because no one is feeding her. Also--contains lots of potion-making stuffs. Interesting for some.


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