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We're back in it. I feel like this is familiar. Yet, hopefully, new. (23,000 Words)





I am new to this site can someone tell me where to find the password😅

John Koor

It's the merged words directly above the link to the chapter.

Parker Groseclose

Thanks for the chapter. Always wondered what happened to the flying Gnoll after he didn't get his side story. Glad to see he wasn't forgotten.


i was kind of hoping Erin gets eaten by a Wyvern. 😶


Thank you!

Kyle Aretae

right above the link

Philip Pleiss

Wow. The last couple off chapters have really brought out the emotions. I love literature that brings the feels. Probably why I love the Doctor storyline so much.


End of chapter: 🤦‍♂️


Ahhhh Pirate are you from western Pennsylvania? I don't think I have seen many none western Pennsylvanias using the term red up but I could be wrong.

Jeff Gault

God I wonder if they're gonna demand to know her level. Is this gonna be when Liscor and Palass find out Erin is the highest level [Innkeeper] on the continent?

Alan McBrayer

She is not quite there yet, I believe there was mention of a 40+ innkeeper in first Landing. But yeah I'd imagine the rules about which skills you can't use in a city without permission probably has something about what level they are obtained.


Please help! I just signed up to patreon as I cannot cope with my withdrawal symptons anymore, but which password do I use to read the locked chaper? The one I use for patreon doesnt work. any ideas?


It’s the merged words directly above the link for the chapter - the merged words are literally the password each time she posts - new passwords each post as well


yay! I thank thee muchly William :)

Jeff Gault

Oh god, Lyonette is gonna end up being Erin's lawyer, isn't she?


You are a fantastic writer. I have been trying to get all my coworkers to start reading this masterpiece!

Beth Rasmussen

Bird is such an interesting touch -- amazing what a touch of murderous whimsy can bring to a story. :)