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This side stories poll is crazy, off-the-wall, and mad. But sometimes you need a poll like this. I will write whatever story wins, but will it be the story you want? Sometimes a side-story is glorious, other times mediocre at best. Vote for what you believe in, and thanks for enjoying the tale! I promise I'll do my best no matter what wins.

Mrsha and the Cats of Elirr - I am concernedly drunk. But! This is my last drink for hopefully, what, 3 months? I'm going sober simply because...I need better sleep to write at my best. Anyways, this poll is pure madness. Because why not? If you want Mrsha and the sentient cats Elirr trains to go on their own rampage, vote! For once, Mrsha is the WEAK candidate in this poll of madness! Will also include Numbtongue. Somehow. Promises are promises, and I will try to keep every one I make here!

Ryoka and Fierre -
The two friends will visit Fierre's home, talk about Vampires--even meet some vampires outside of Fierre's family! They're friends. But is Ryoka prepared to handle more vampires? Does she have enough garlic? And what, pray tell, are other vampires even like? Be prepared for cold-blooded meetings, and spicy garlic battles! Romance! Conflict! Madain! Someone's going to get their blood sucked in this chapter!

Erin Solstice vs the Weights of Grimalkin - Can she lift? Does she have GONADS? Erin pumps iron and gets swoll! Pallass might have ballistas, but do they have THESE GUNS? Yes, this is just a bodybuilding chapter. With Erin and Pallass' elite. Do you have the testicles to vote for this chapter!?

MATING RITUALS 2 - I have no idea what I'm going to write here. But if it wins, I'll figure it out. Enough said.

Sing to me, Bird of the Free Antinium - The other Hives have made contact with Liscor and nothing, nothing will ever be the same. But are the Prognugators and new Antinium ready for Pawn? Belgrade? Anand? The Painted Antinium? GARRY's COOKING? Maybe yes to all of them, but one Antinium will show them the way. Bird!

Az'kerash Dances - The [Necromancer] of Terandria was one considered the Bachelor of [Bachelors], and he hasn't lost his step. He might have lost parts of his soul, but the undead mage has still got his step. But who's in the dating pool for the immortal fiends of undeath? Featuring guest-star, the Witch of Strings, the Spider herself! Love! Undead, icky love and romance await! This one had better not win.

Geneva/Okasha Goes on a Date - Two minds, one body. One's an outgoing Selphid, the other is an anti-social, war-scarred [Doctor]! What am I writing, a sitcom? But what does happen when Geneva takes a break? How does the [Doctor] react to love, and what is Okasha's role? Third wheel, or co-pilot? All bets are off on our comedy special, coming this January! Or February.

The [Firefighter] - This one's a legit side story. And it's a new character. Just ask yourself this: what role does a [Firefighter] have in Innworld? Heroism, bravery, and the nature of fire awaits if you vote here. Honestly...it's a dark horse compared to the competition.

The Seven Legends of Emir Yazdil - The 2nd most powerful [Lord] in the world is Emir Yazdil of Chandrar. One of the Slavers of Roshal. Vote, and you will know why he is named such. Vote, and you may learn more than you wanted to of Roshal. ...Yeah, it's not going to win. Or is it? Vote, and learn of the secret classes of [Slavers]. And of Emir Yazdil. The Naga.

Pebblesnatch the Mighty - Goblins have heroes. But she's only a [Cook] with a poofy hat. But she'll take on an [Emperor] in...Pebblesnatch the Mighty. Also featuring Ulvama the Sensual, but we don't talk about that. What happened to Pebblesnatch? Wil she survive her new environment? Vote! And let Pebblesnatch defeat the competition with her superior cooking ability!

A Girl with a Gun - She has a gun. She came to this world with a gun.


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