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pirateaba sat in a room typing. They typed Pt. 3. They typed Pt. 4. However, neither one is good to go. Editing must be done. Therefore...

They are going to take today off and edit and post another chapter Tuesday. No chapter today; no chapter Wednesday.

That way they will not explode.

This is a short story about the life of pirateaba. Thank you for your patience.

The end.




I keep clicking SLAM but it doesn't take me anywhere 😂


You dare!

Robert Mullins

We are a simulation of pirateaba's future arcs? I wonder how far back the real timeline is compared to now?


You know I tried clicking that SLAM. Quite the merry prankster you are.

James Getgood

Why can't i SLAM. false advertising



Scott Soper

Not even a Rick Roll?


Poke* one salty goblin.

John Koor

duh duh duh, duh duh duh - Let the boys be boys


SLAM right back at yah


I need to re-read the start of the post 3 times before I understood it was in 3rd person. Caught be off guard.

Miles Kidder

Ah, but when they came to two doors... Which did they SLAM?

Mista Woodsy

Somewhat relieved since I stayed up too late reading and morning came way too quick! How can you pace yourself when Mrsha is in trouble and Rags is on the precipice???


If this has a slam does that imply that this is canonically an alternative possibility and the real reason there is no chapter today is different and we cannot definitively expect the chapters at the schedule suggested in this post?

Asit T



The SLAM kinda has the same feeling of TOC


Everytime a door slams now... youll have to wonder. Will you still be there when it closes

Allison B

All good. Take your time. No pressure. I totally love your stories and are addicted to them and am just grateful you keep writing- so I can listen enraptured on audible. Love Andrea Parsneau’s narration of your work. 👋🏻😊

Clarence Grant

That's fine. Sometimes the fans need time to digest the bombshells

Peter Benzoni

The inclusion of SLAM means pirateaba, and therefore all of us are part of the innworld extended universe, and that Mrsha knows about us.


Someone actually slammed a door in my house right as I read the word SLAM. I'm worried now.

thomas j walters

Come on and slam and welcome to the Jam!

Mike Smalley

I love your humor. Makes me laugh constantly.


the slamming inn, by pirateaba.


Damnit! I clicked on the "SLAM". I've apparently been conditioned...

Fitty Sebum

They got me toooooo!!! I was so excited when I saw the hyperlink and now I'm wondering why suddenly the world seems so dark...


Incidentally, I'm playing path of exile, and this update slam skills are really strong, and my character's name is FuckyeahSlam.... The universe works in mysterious ways.

Aaron W. Smith

Take all the time you want, and do so with a clear conscience. While I am not a rabid capitalist, in this case, if you p**$ off anyone, then they can quit being a patron. I doubt you would lose many when you are posting this many words every day/week/month/year. There may be more prolific writers, but I doubt that they combine this output quantity and quality over the many years I have read your work. So, you do you, and let anyone else do them, and don't worry about it.

David Polaski

AAAAAH, wheres the rest, there was a slam... I might be slightly traumatized now XD

Arwen Lostlorn

That was definitely one of the stories of all time. Thank you for sharing, Pirateaba :D

Rimantas Podlinevas

Am I the only one who clicked on the slam just in case?

Caleb Moody

Psss hey dealer you got anymore of SLAM! FIENDING. Take your time loving this story line.

Jason Newborn

While it is already great as a invocation of the closing doors of fate, as opportunities drift away on the river of time. Additionally, we have some recently referenced Trolls. And all of us who have read our Pratchett know that all Troll drugs start with "S" and connotate concussion...

Dontspam Meho

Roots part 3 seems to be up, but the patreon post with the password isn't yet. T.T


would be comical if the slam turns into a url we must click first xD

Ground Control

TWI ends with a happy ending... SLAM