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The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is... (16,400 Words.)






Someone’s been playing the critically acclaimed Stanley Parable 2 Ultra Deluxe edition. Should’ve won game of the year.

James Getgood

But is this the song that never ends?

Scott Soper

All work and no play makes Homer something something...

Dan Lewis

"Ryoko" Uh oh.


Threw me for a freaking loop. Perfect way to make the readers figure it out themselves with a cliffhanger on the third one


Standing ovation. Absolutely brilliant.

Brian Chen

What an incredible chapter! The way you make transitions to the next part and the twist at the very end. You are truly an amazing writer!


Stanley parable reference hell yessss. This chapter was awesomeeee! So excited for the next chapter


Mrsha casually mentions the “grand design”


Trama for everyone!


Thank you

Mrs. Murdy

Welp that was a bit of a mindscrew


She also refers to Ryoko being “the most correct about faeries”. “Ryoko” is the name that the grand design uses for Ryoka


Reminds me of the Unrealized Reality episode in Farscape. Nice Stanley Parable reference, too. Looking forward to more!


One chapter is not enough is not one chapter is not enough....

Miles Kidder

It was great, that one liner was incredibly terrifying. Didn't expect it, even though there were so many hints


Who needs drugs when there are chapters like these?


wow great chapter! I can't say I saw it coming but that's no surprise maybe in a reread. I absolutely loved it

Fitty Sebum

Ok. Is this a spoiler? Click the frickin hyperlink!!! Click slam. I almost didn't see that.


I had so many feelings throughout this chapter. Very discombobulated but eagerly awaiting the continuation.


First of all I want to say I've Loved all of this story you have a very unique writing style and I cannot wait and I cannot emphasize this enough for the next chapter and I can tell you love your clip hangers when I got to the end I was like bloody pirates I say that with all love by the way can't wait to read the next one


Well this is downright fantastic.


Mrsha, the Great and Terrible

Robert Johansson

Here is hoping that Mrsha get her Levels back just to save her mom and Rags.


When Mersha got her levels revoked I got legit mad…talk about proverbial blue balls!

Scott Soper

Can anyone point me to the part of the story where the Grand Design labels Ryoka "Ryoko"? I know it can't see her clearly but I thought it might know her name from other people's conversations.


All the data the Grand Design appended was just vanishing into a void. It tried to fix it three times—and Ryoka’s entry wouldn’t reappear or come back. It couldn’t even make a new file on Ryoka. In the end, the Grand Design created a ‘Ryoko Griffin’ entry and logged everything new in there. If it had to reinstate her level…

Stephanie Creasy

I just realized the link on "slam" and the password doesn't appear to work. Anyone else having this issue?


I too, missed Part 2-2 initially.


Where do you enter the slam password? I just get links to “become a patreon” when I click the word and end up back here. Obviously I’m behind because no place to enter a password to 2 #1