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One of my beta-readers just asked if this is the last chapter and we're back to our normal upload schedule after this. I laughed. (10,700 Words)





James Getgood

Thanks Paba! Keep them coming!

Miles Kidder

Hey, anyone here watch the show Dragon Tales?


Thank youuuuuu

Nguveren Ahua

Ngl, this is the perfect way to start my day

Ben Passos

This has been a super fun run of chapters. "I'm back", absolutely feels like it.

Nguveren Ahua

My goodness, what a blast from the past! I have some very vague memories of it. Although admittedly I could be crossing it with Land before Time, Dinozaurs and some other dinosaur toon fever dream 😅


Say what you want about short chapters, but they been really great so far, feels like more thoughts go into writing them

Travis Beecher

Trying using some silk vanilla with your coffee instead of cream 😉. Great lil series ya got going here. Like the style. 🤙🏼


Satisfying chapter. I hope the Knight can come to terms with his unexpected allies.

billy herrera

I can’t wait wait for the Goblins, Solstice order, lantern knight crossover

Claude Heinrich

I'm really loving the daily chapter concept, a nice quick read and then counting down the hours for the next one

Scott Soper

They even have an arch-villain for their spin off series: the numerologist of Roshal that mastered the lantern arts of Bitorn for Chandrar during the Death of Magic: Thatalocian. Meanwhile, can memory fire and lantern arts be combined?! Find out next time!

Jason Newborn

Jack London had a routine where he did 1000 words per day between 8am and noon (on paper). It is a great and cautionary tale. Cause his output was astounding for his day. Unfortunately another part of his routine was to hit the whisky immediately after noon. He was dead by forty. Please don't die by forty, please keep producing great stories, please keep triangulating toward a comfortable way to get there...


It's insane how much faster we can write nowadays with a keyboard than back then with just a pen.


Something tells me that had much more to do with the whisky than the 1000 words per day 🤷‍♂️


When your on a roll your on a roll baby!!


Ou aa fever G🥵🏃🏻‍♂️