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I did it. (4,700 Words)





Scott Soper

I feel like the system hasn't been giving Mrsha her due anyway. Does the Lobbyist class exist? Because she should be past level thirty in that, and all it is is a diplomat working for a private concern (The Wandering Inn) as a opposed to a government. She has intercontinental connections at the top levels of multiple governments (Forgotten Wing, Calanfer, Khelt, etc), teachers that include top diplomats like the Thronebearers, Nerul, and even Teriarch, broad popular fame on the scrying orb, for the Antinium: names and language, for the Gnolls: Doombearer quest successful, organized a library of racial history, for the Wandering Inn: organized an intercontinental response to Erin's wounding, softened the attitudes of extreme threats like Azkerash and Tolveilouka. Now that it has a consciousness the Grand Design needs a little self reflection. No good idea what happened here with the phantom levels, but I'm hella curious.


An ill omen...a Error has appeared in the logic of the system. Although it sidesteped the issue this time, I sense the 1st domino has irreversibley fallen... this part 4 gave me the feeling of...a math problem of probability. Have you you heard of the question. The Monty Hall Problem with the 3 doors? I feel the system by accident or design gave a second chance. Increased a low probablity event. It was hinted at the Pallas security council that the general fell in line and saluted in the end after persuasion that it might be a bad order failed in over 900 projected outcomes. Did the general's probability of action change after the designs scheduled level up for Msha was overturned?


imagine Mrsha with a lvl 70 class, The Grand Design shoulda said sorry and cut it down to lvl 30 and keep the skills and gear just for fun