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Chapter Poll -- May 2024!

  • A Tale with No Names 542
  • Rabbiteater in Baleros 1044
  • The Curious Case of a Theft in Liscor 245
  • The Princess and the Gold. All the Gold. 1254
  • Where Are You Now? 432
  • MR4 + MR3. 562
  • Nerrhavia 571
  • 2024-04-28
  • —2024-04-30
  • 4650 votes
{'title': 'Chapter Poll -- May 2024!', 'choices': [{'text': 'A Tale with No Names', 'votes': 542}, {'text': 'Rabbiteater in Baleros', 'votes': 1044}, {'text': 'The Curious Case of a Theft in Liscor', 'votes': 245}, {'text': 'The Princess and the Gold. All the Gold.', 'votes': 1254}, {'text': 'Where Are You Now?', 'votes': 432}, {'text': 'MR4 + MR3.', 'votes': 562}, {'text': 'Nerrhavia', 'votes': 571}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 30, 20, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 4, 28, 19, 59, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 4650}


Hello, it me. The hour has come again. Should I be offering polls if it's 1/3 of the current month's writing? Well, I tend to only offer stories I think I want and sometimes being forced to write a chapter I might not think is optimal pushes me. Unpredictability is the spice of stories, even for me.

...I made the mistake of asking members of the Discord server what to put on this poll. I'm gonna actually give some context to these options this time. I'll have the spoilers, but here were the prompts.

1. 'A chapter that foreshadows what Volume 10 is going to be about.' - A Tale with No Names.

2. 'MR4.' - Mating Rituals 4.

3. 'Goblins. One of the lads. Numbtongue, Rabbiteater...'

4. 'A chapter that shows us what's happening to everyone, not a deep dive into one perspective.' - Where Are You Now?

That last one is paraphrased. The others are not. With it, I am also going to throw in a few ones I think are germane to this poll and see what happens.

Spice. The variety of life. IT's going to be a FAST poll. Two days only! Vote and run! Can I see who votes for MR4? Know that at least some of these are highly experimental. Which is good! Two Rats was a highly experimental tale.



Gold, Gold, and even more GOLD.

Jordan Drummond

I really want to see the princes go on a spending spree. Hopefully building that inn that the dead architect designed and other things to make the inn OP


What does MR3/4 stand for?

Kyle Coe

I feel dumb not knowing what MR4 means


Evil empress plotting


No option for no more side stories?

Robert Mullins

I'll throw a write-in vote for the grass shell bee-cave plot.

Sean MacGhee

Curious case of a theft in Liscor sold me with its title. Sounds like a fun slice of life chapter.


Vote for mating rituals!


MR4 stands for Master Rank 4, in which Erin and Ulvama get filtered by a Shrieking Legiana


Gold chapter is perhaps the cheapest of the choices. It just goes to highlight how quite a few people just hunger for power fantasies.

Alina Zhou

It's the way Pirate phrased it. It makes the idea sound cuter. And more attractive. All the Gold. Very few people are going to vote a curious case of theft in Liscor because there's no information about this and it's phrased in a very mundane way.

Salty Waters

Gold chapter is basically all I want right nowm


Gold being of course the short version of 'Gold adventurers', this chapter will give us an overview of what's happening to every Gold adventurers in the story, as well as one (1) Princess of the author's choice. /jk


It would be real funny if it ended up being bait like you suggest


OR it could be about the golden thronebearers and a calfanferian princess other than the one currently reigning over an inn. Many possibilities! :D

John Koor

Wait, did you just confirm there will still be a break each month and we'll only be getting 3 chapters a month?


Wow, I want all of these but MR. I think I'm partial to the gold, though. I know we'll get to Rabbiteater eventually. Without knowing more the theft one is probably the least compelling since I know basically nothing about it


A vote for MR3 + MR4 is a vote for more Erin being confused chapter's


Vote for Rabbit !! Ra-bbit ! Ra-bbit !


a vote for rabbit is a vote for numbtongue and the BOYSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

Travis Beecher

I'm sold on the Chemath Marble being a good tie-in to an architect tie in


Really, anything but mating rituals


Obligatory vote for Mating Rituals because the innworld deserves some spicy scenes, but yes please rabbiteater

James Ging

I really want a mating rituals with Pirate's current writing chops!

Robert Mullins

Is 90k+ words a month too few for you? I'd be extremely curious to know what author out there giving you more to read each month than pirateaba?


I’m really curious about some slice of life of Goblin Home ..? “Goblin’ home for dinner?”


Yeah, but on the other hand every chapter so far since the change has been as long as the longest chapters on the old schedule, or split into two parts. I'm sure that won't always be true but like, we're getting even bigger better chapters because they're more rested.


I really want to see the clash between Flos and Nerrhavia. To see Flos maybe humbled.

John Koor

Yeah, but that also defeats the point of fewer releases. 4x30k chapters a month would be a significantly lighter load than previous, and the reason for fewer releases was to allow more rest time. That's not happening now. Pirate's just going to burn themselves out by setting a standard of even bigger chapters. I'd be fine with 3x20-30k chapters, then a short (10k or less) chapter during the last week of the month. I don't want massive chapters, I prefer a smaller chapter weekly. That way it fits into a pattern. 10 day periods (now 14) between posts just suck. I need my TWI fix, and like a toddler with a bag of candy I'm not going to be able to resist reading everything I'm given ASAP, unless it's a sidestory not involving main characters (like the long back to back Rheim arcs of the early volumes).


Unapologetically putting my hat in the ring for mating rituals. I want maximum awkward!


? there always was a monthly break? And is it really 3 chapters a month when 2 out of the 3 are long enough for 2 parts each?


I'm not cashing in MR4 until Erin meets Niers. Gotta at least leave room for the impossible.


Maximum awkward would be giving a two way or three way tie with one or two of the others for the rare combined chapter. Mr3 with curious case for instance. Think about it.


these are all too good its hard to decide


I didn't mind the first mating ritual chapter but parts of the second one I just did not like. It doesn't seem to fit in with the story.

Scott Soper

Voted before I knew what MR stood for and now I can't seem to change. Doh!

Rahul Victor

All these Chandrar chapters make me so keen for more Nerrhavia

Scott Soper

The caption on Patreon was a bit different from my email alert for whatever reason. Looks like Lyon or Rabbit got this in the bag anyway.

Eric Huber

BEST POLL, I want everything but what do I want first? MR4 + MR3 are OVERDUE.

Paul Jan

And we haven't heard from Qwera, the Golden Gnoll for a long time.


the mating rituals are just weird. Sorry but the one with the strap was a bit beyond my tastes. You do you though and write what you feel motivated to write about i can always just fast forward through them.

Ocean Demon

Can we have all of these please?


Taints the integrity of the story for me, LotR would be cheapened by awkward shoehorned sexual fanservice for example. write it if you have to, but I'd prefer it be a whole separate page it releases on away from the "main" story, or simply write an entirely unrelated smut story if you're looking for an outlet for that.

Rene Christensen

I think its more that a ton of tings are happening in and around Liscor. New magic school, political troubles, dryad storyline, refugee (vampires, necromancers), goblinhome nearby, a lot of storylines can be advanced. And yes, some wealth fantasies.


Actually it's one of those dual POV chapters following Mrsha and Ryoka


People don't hunger for power fantasies, they hunger for their favorite characters. So the more Yelroan the better.

Jamie Messier

There are much better options. Seeing a legacy skill change hands and why. Watching an enchanted object get passed back and forth through the door in liscor, all about its tails. Seeing a list of skills appear somewhere in the beginning of a chapter would honestly be new. I sometimes can’t stand how we never see skills in the first half of a chapter we just see them earned not used. Is so annoying as a reader. Listening to the system get into an argument with someone other than Erin. Another cell phone call among Earthers. They seem aimless without goals now.

Fitty Sebum

Lyon and Rabbit ftw


What about the knights of Solstice ?

Gaurav Patil

I nintilly voted for everything, before i took the time to read the post and know what MR3 and 4 means!! Yay for MR3-4!! I have so many questions....


I voted for Gold, Rabbiteater, and a theft in Liscor. All seem very interesting


A chapter with the gold, rabbiteter and nerrhavia would be great


Kind of funny how spread the votes are. Pirate writes too many perspectives too well. I have favorites but none that are a disappointment.

Gaspar Diaz


Aaron Hicks

Whew missed this vote glad the one I would've voted for won. SHOW ME THE GOOOOOOLD!