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First off -- let me apologize for the break extending longer than I anticipated. I hadn't realized it until I took the break, but I was more burnt out on the story than I realized. I still fully intend to complete the story and that's what this update is about. 

I've been rereading Gone Native and I've noticed some rather glaring issues that stand out to me now that I've taken a break from the story, and it's those issues that I want to work on and address. Basically, I introduced a number of things in Gone Native and a number of them feel rather undercooked because I fully intended to come back to them at a later date. It's what my outline called for, but looking back on it, I can't say that it worked as well as I thought it would. 

So, I've taken the extra time off to revamp my outline to address the issues that I think are severely impacting the quality of the story. Originally, I intended for the series to have three parts -- Going Native, Gone Native, Went Native -- but that plan really hasn't hit the mark like I thought it would. So, instead, I will be doing smaller 'sagas' that will focus on something that was introduced in the Earth saga, and flesh out what was introduced along with structuring a conflict because I've found that Gone Native started to meander after Tarble officially took over Earth. 

I'm currently writing out what is left of the Earth saga, which isn't that much, and then we can move on to the Dragonball saga. To that end, Gone Native will be coming back when I finish off the Earth saga -- it probably won't be next week, but Gone Native should be back the week after that on the 19th. 

Thank you all for your understanding, and I do think Gone Native will become a much stronger story with these changes. 


James Wood

Is this story dead?

Worrior Lord

Has this fic ran it’s course?

edwin nelson tocto cubas

I would like to recommend some things, for example: The Tarble Empire lacks what is state institutions such as governmental hierarchy. Also, for example, the Administration can be directed by a council of Artificial Intelligences aware of themselves (Considered within the empire as citizens with full rights) so that the enormous information of 12 million worlds and more that they produce daily is effective. A correct command structure in the military. A Praetorian Guard I recommend the formation of the Adeptus Custodes: the Imperial Household Chamber Militant. An indisputable authority within his assigned mission, except if directly and expressly contradicted by the Emperor, and his bases could be the Hegemon's Tower (a sovereign fortification of the Imperial Palace I suggest the capital of the empire) and various fortresses, properties, spaceships, ministries and territories in the new mobile Warworld, in Sector 2828 of the Vega system and beyond, known only to themselves. It corresponds to an institution dedicated to the final security of the palace (they know who enters and who leaves, it does not matter if it is an eminence in infiltration, they know it at all times). Those who withdraw (epically obsessive perfectionist autistics) at any stage of the process, the failed subject was discarded, as the jeweler would do in his search for the perfect gem because they are considered not at their highest level, they leave their position to operate near the Court and at the top levels of military command as spies for the emperor. Their education must and is prodigious, since they are not only designed to be the protectors of the Emperor Tarble (Tarble does not need only guardians), but also His companions, and they are prepared to converse with Him on any matter of war, politics or philosophy that he wishes. . And what is more important, their psyches were also worked and modified as a jeweler would cut and polish a perfect stone, conforming them to a precise order and pattern, in which loyalty, discipline, duty and unhesitating obedience to the Emperor they were more deeply ingrained than blood, bone, conscious thought, or unconscious desire. Those would be the Adeptus Custodies concepts you could include Biological Weapons with a processing intellect that would put a foolish Ia to shame in calculating a battle. Most of all it would be the soldiers with an eminent education. Anonymous Phrase: "Let us give thanks to the bravest and most loyal guardians, the Adeptus Custodes, who keep a constant vigil over the Emperor's Palace. A true Legion of warriors ready to give their lives without question for the beloved Guardian of the Empire. No one passes through the Palace Imperial without their knowing: they are steeped in the arcane secrets of that labyrinthine edifice. Ten thousand swords await the call to arms, to defend it from any threat, from without or within."

edwin nelson tocto cubas

A note to consider that Tarble is the best emperor in the entire galaxy. An emperor is above the king, an empire is something much greater than the kingdom, in fact, several emperors also had kings subjugated to them. What I want to say in short is that an emperor can no longer govern alone but needs institutions on which he can rely to project the power he exercises over his citizens. He needs more arms, eyes, hands, legs, brilliant minds to serve him outside of the justice league people he trusts like Adala. However, a King rules or presides over a country and An Emperor rules or commands an empire.