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I was going to make this announcement yesterday, and I nearly did, then I remembered that it was April Fools and it seemed like a bad time. So, I'm making the announcement today, even if it does come more short notice than I would like. 

The reason that the chapter is being delayed is because of quality concerns. I'm not happy with how the recent arc has turned out. It was meant to be about fleshing out some side characters that I felt were being too one-note and set up a future conflict, but that didn't really happen. The arc didn't do anything I wanted it to do, it felt clunky and some things felt forced. I'm just not happy about it. 

The last time I felt this way was back during the Konosuba Arc of Power Corrupts. While I personally enjoyed the arc overall, there had been a point early on in the arc that I had some concerns about a few chapters but I didn't do anything about it because I thought they were good enough. And I don't feel that way about the chapters I have written -- I was dealing with some writer's block and I was forcing words out and I think it really shows in the quality. 

So, I'm going to bite the bullet and scrap most of my backlog. Taking the week off for Gone Native will give me the time I need to course correct and rewrite a few chapters. To make it up to everyone, I aim to do a double update sometime this month. 

Overall, while I don't like doing this, I think it's best for the story and I hope you all understand that. 



No worries man we are while not “happy” we completely understand and won’t push we are just happy to read your works 😉