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Should Be a Dragon be Rewritten?

  • Push through 29
  • Start From Scratch 61
  • Start again 221
  • 2020-06-11
  • 311 votes
{'title': 'Should Be a Dragon be Rewritten? ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Push through', 'votes': 29}, {'text': 'Start From Scratch', 'votes': 61}, {'text': 'Start again', 'votes': 221}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 11, 14, 55, 49, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 311}


So, I have a confession to make. I'm not happy with Be a Dragon in terms of quality, progression, and there has been a lot of negative feedback for the story. Most of it I agree with enough that I'm asking this question that has been on my mind for some time. A lot of it has to do with me falling into the same pitfalls that I ran into before.

Basically, Be a Dragon was meant to be a fun story to help me blow off steam. Both in terms of narrative and in terms of writing it. Unfortunately, Be a Dragon has become a lot more work than it is fun. Some of you have commented that it's your least favorite story of mine, and that's likely because it's the story that I least enjoy writing and the problem has gotten bad enough that I feel the need to make this post. 

I am sorry about that to those that enjoy the story as it is, but I do think a rewrite is in order. I'm just not happy with it and it might not be soon, but if something doesn't change then I could end up dropping it. Though, I do promise that if I do rewrite the story that I will see it through. Be a Dragon won't be a story that says it's going to be rewritten only to be dropped long before it reached the point that the original story reached.

There are three options for how Be a Dragon progresses:

Push through: This is what I did with Power Corrupts towards the end. Basically, I just pushed through the story until I reached a point that it became a lot more fun to write. But, given the sheer number of regrets that I have with Danmachi, I can't recommend this option. 

Start From Scratch: Basically I completely revamp the story underneath a new name and start in a new setting. Nero would start in One Piece with a waifu determined by a poll, with a devil fruit called the Combo-Combo fruit, which allows him to combine things. An example would be combining two weak sticks to form a single strong stick. Additionally, there would be a new waifu per island that would be determined by polls. 

This is the Porn over Plot choice. 

Start Again: Be a Dragon starts over in DC comics in a Gotham city. With one waifu that would be determined by a poll, Nero sets out to climb his way up the food chain until he resides at the top where he belongs. I've taken the non-dragonlike nature criticism into account so Nero would be more prideful and greedy, and that nature would but him in conflict with heroes and villains alike.  

This is the Plot over Porn choice. 

Edit: I just wanted to thank everyone here for all the support and I figured I should go into a bit more detail to answer your questions. 

The Cast -- You're out of your goddamn mind if you think Raven won't be waifued again. As for the others, they would be making an appearance as well. Regardless of what option is picked.  

Nero -- While Nero would be more driven and assertive, he's not going to be a dialed up asshole. More of he's going to draw a line in the sand and dare anyone to cross it. To borrow from Worm, Nero would be a Rogue rather than a Hero or a Villian. 

Updates -- Like what I do with all new stories, I'll build up a backlog and once I officially post the story, all tiers will get a chapter. So the highest tier will technically get four chapters with that number trickling down with each tier. I'm unsure when exactly the new story would be posted, but I will be aiming for before the end of the month. 

And thank you again for your understanding and support. 



Write what you like, how you like it. I do think a more plot-driven and focused version of this story would be fun to read. As is now it does feel like how you described it: a fun stress relief story that didnt have a solid plan in mind. Raven should be waifu prime btw. Fite me.


You do you bro


Be a Dragon literally has the best waifu cast of nearly any CYOA written so far, and any rewrite would suffer just from not having the same cast. However, if you feel like the story is too much of a slog to write, I think it's better for you to switch gears. I'm down for anything.

Razorfloss razor

I'm not sure why people are complaining about not acting like a dragon aspect. He's a young dragon who is just coming into his power. You can't start acting as the big dog when you still remember being normal. If you keep writing it I would suggest you start to show how his dragoness as his power grows. As of the story right now he has no reason to go king of the mountain on people.


Honestly, I would like a remake, since I felt like Nero was truly bland, passive and maybe even cowardly in a sense for me. So for I hope the second option wins(Gotham City Choice). For the first waifu selection poll, I recommend mainly prioritize waifu’s that are skilled at combat, administration and/or information gathering since he wants to be the top power in Gotham then he needs a waifu who can help him, be useful and actually keep up.

Iori Daemona Angel

You know, Raven is the favorite waifu and the most developed love interest you made. I choose to donate because of be a dragon. And sincerely I like what you did with the story.


I like Nero as he is, just focus less on sex


The plot was fine, I enjoyed reading about a dragon who bakes


He really doesn't have to dominate, And Im using Highschool DxD's "Great Red" as an example, just do your own thing... You don't have to be king, just be a dragon.


If you like cooking, cook, if you like flying, fly, if you enjoy traveling, travel... You don't have to a domineering asshole dragon, you can but you don't have to be.

Eldar Zecore

Honestly, it’s a hard split between From Scratch and Start again. I absolutely love the One Piece world, right up there with Hunter x hunter and Log Horizon. At the same time, if you start in Gotham and go the Villain/Gangster route, that sounds really interesting. My only concern with him being more “dragon-like” is what aspects of dragons are you going with?

Eldar Zecore

Arguably, dragons are know to for being Lustful, Wrathful, Greedy, Prideful, Slothful, and pretty much every one of the “Deadly Sins”. With different colors representing a different sin


Hmm. I like the setting for Start Again . . . but I also like porn over plot. I liked the story as is but if its burning you let's switch. If you feel yourself leaning towards one of the two choices I say pick that one. I'll read it either way.

Wednesday's Jest

I think part of the problem (aside from constantly adding in new "waifus" that needed their own screen time for development) is that the MC was reactionary. I'm voting for Gotham because it is the only story premise you've laid out where the MC has a goal that they will strive for. The fact that you are limiting it to one "waifu" helps, but it is the proactive character that truly sold this for me.

Christopher Harris

I love the idea of it happening I. One piece.

Christopher Harris

But if your still doing DC I recommend choosing a version rather than an amalgum. I've noticed amalgums of that or marvel tends to start strong then stall before slowly dying.


Don't like any of them. Will choose to continue because it's the only one I have any kind of investment in. But would prefer a story without si at all.

Nikola Nikitin

If you start over, go literally up the food chain, I thought it would have been more interesting if he took over the city through his food in the "Don't mess with this guy he makes awesome food."

Grey Jack

I mean be a Dragon was the only reason why I donated in the first place, so I can't say I'm not disappointed.


I'm going to be honest, I much prefer this to going Native but I felt like you were too bland in this story at times and as silly as it may sound too focused on the porn. I find the concept interesting thought that there would be a lot of story potential but there were barely any development.


Just chain Raven to bed and add Kara. You are a dragon, dominate though sheer presence and power


I'd rather see this story start again. I have nothing against one piece except that I found the story boring and dropped it (relatively) early on, and so I don't know anything that happens in most of the plot. Also having the author be pumped for a story = a better story, so that's why I voted start again.


Well, Raven would waifu'd again. I'm happy. Would the waifu list change the second time around though?


I would rather you abandon it if it is not enjoyable to write. Don’t force yourself to write on things that stall.

Anonymous Daniel

Honestly if it's the story for blowing off steam then pick which ever option actually leads to blowing off steam. So maybe add a writers choice vote or make it really clear which one you prefer?

El Squidd

I really enjoy this story. I’m not sure why people would complain about it.


After the edit, I have to say Start Again would be my favorite option, even if it means a month delay. I like the idea of Nero staying in DC far more than going to One Piece (I love OP, but it's so wide, while Gotham can be more focused). And if Raven, Neo, and Hinata are locks, than I am 10000% behind it.

Blair Shirley

Any chance of the One Piece story being a thing in the future?


I voted push through because I genuinely enjoy this story, probably the most, but if rewriting it wins with the DC option, a Raven centric story would be fine too tbh.


I'd vote for one piece but a new waifu per island seems like a bit much. So it's starting again for me, one waifu to start with and plot over porn? sign me up!


"You're out of your goddamn mind if you think Raven won't be waifued again." this is most of what I want, best girl right there!

John MacKellar

Honestly this is the story that got me to upgrade my pledge. This and the danmaci story are one of the highlights of my week.. I voted for start again because it looks like push through won’t win and I’m not a fan of One Piece.


I want the Witcher and Berserk cross to continue. I don't care about the "Be a Dragon", because the main character is boring. I feel like you could put any other guy having sex with the girls and it would be the same.


I've been enjoying this story, but I can admit I'm more excited when one of the others pop up. Write what you want and I'm probably still going to enjoy it.


I honestly would have voted for 'Push through' were you not clearly and obviously leery of the idea. With my overall disinterest in One Piece, this leaves one real option to vote on.

dg co

I would say take a hiatus from it. I haven't read the story but I recognize burn out.


I honestly love the Power Corrupts story, so hearing you have regrets makes LandWhale a sad boy. XD


Can't wait to see how this ends up, if you go DC maybe you add Galatea, she is character not used often plus it also brings in Supergirl.


I rather enjoyed it as it was but I look forward to the new story, writing something you dislike sounds horrible.


I like the overall idea and concept of TBaD. I just don't like Nero. If you feel confident in making him a better, more dragon-like character then I'm all for a rewrite


I’ve enjoyed it but ultimately if you don’t enjoy the current story there’s no reason to continue it as is. If you feel you would prefer something new then go that route if you think you can do justice to your ideas and plot in this one then by all means go the rewrite route. I do ask that you not pull down your current posts either way and just denote that they are different if you go to a rewrite... of course if something manages to keep you interested in this one then I’m more than happy to continue reading the current tale.


Start again: I think adding neo was one out of context character too many. Also, I think that kitten was written out of the story too abruptly. That whole 'leaving and giving a stranger free access to everything' makes no sense.