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Be a Dragon Poll: Should Neo be replaced?

  • Yes, she should be replaced 61
  • No, she should stay 156
  • 2020-04-16
  • 217 votes
{'title': 'Be a Dragon Poll: Should Neo be replaced?', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, she should be replaced', 'votes': 61}, {'text': 'No, she should stay', 'votes': 156}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 16, 14, 48, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 217}


There has been some controversy about Neo and her place in Be a Dragon. I personally think she's what the story needs, but if so many people are upset then there's probably a reason for it. So, this poll determines if Neo should be replaced with another girl or if it's just a vocal minority.

However, just to be clear, if the poll does vote yes and most of you want her replaced, then Be a Dragon will be put on a brief hiatus while I rewrite things and rework some plot elements. Also, if the poll does vote yes, I'll put up another poll that decides who she gets replaced with. 



I'd say yes in only the sense it's way too soon to make trouble like neo is prone to.


I say no because I trust the author and think that Neo is not just out of nowhere mayhem. I look forward to seeing where the story is going and how she adds to it.


I mean she brings alot of unnecessary and easily avoidable trouble but you probably know what you're doing with her

Anthony Maxwell

I'm not particularly interested in the idea of this story.

El Squidd

Naw, Nero can handle this.

Akira Shrestha

I think pryha would be good replacement. She is quite similar to hinata. Jaune is her unrequited love like Naruto is to hinata. And both are blond as well. Both hinata and pryha died while saving their unrequited love while their home was destroyed. Both are way too similar and would go well with the story. But that's only my opinion since you decided a poll, I voiced it out. Whatever you do i fully support you.


I'm thinking that Neo should stay, but come a little later ? I mean it's just getting forward with Hinata (And even then she still likes Naruto more) so if that could develop a little more, then perhaps him and Raven, THEN Neo and potentially others from other worlds coming...

Eldar Zecore

To be honest, I feel that Neo is just way to much of a Chaotic element at this point in the story. Totally agree with Jake Elliot's comment in that I feel it is just to soon to introduce her to the story. At least with the attitude she has right now according to chapter 9 (I think?), which seems incredibly self-destructive. Nero is still at the "Figure out what's going on" stage, which Hinata and Raven are contributing to, but Neo seems that she would be causing a lot more issues that she'd be helping with.

Eldar Zecore

If you were to hold off on her until after Nero has become more established and could actually afford the chaos that Neo would introduce, I feel then would be better


We need Neo to prevent Nero from being a hero due to her association to him. He shouldn't be focusing on saving people but preparing to go to the next world. DC and Marvel are pointless places in terms of protagonist affecting the plot, they are much too convoluted and nonsensical


Neo forces the MC not to be passive, by immediately setting everything on fire. If you were planing on the MC being a lawful good character, then she ruins everything. But, considering that the MCs plan until now was to make money by opening a bakery, I get the feeling that she is the element meant to force the story into a more action focused direction.


Neo's acting in character, which is a bad thing for the MC. If I was the MC, I'd ask her to move along. She might be good for the plot. If the MC's plan / character is to hang around the mansion boinking waifus and playing with his powers 24/7, that's not an exciting plot and something should push him out of that. But it doesn't have to be Neo. She's a shit. I say replace her.


It is your story so you should do what you think is the best for it


The problem I had with Neo when she was introduced was that she seemed like pure chaos without adding anything useful to the mix. It seemed like she was just going to do whatever she wanted without caring about others whatsoever, which I just don't find interesting in a character. I'm all for independence and going your own way, but she just seemed reckless, and was honestly acting really stupid. They tried warning her, and she just said "nah, fuck ya'll, Imma do what I want." Or at least that's the impression I got. I don't know, after the latest chapter I read, maybe she won't be so bad, and might actually contribute something to the story. I still don't care for her personally, but it's your story, so go with what you feel is best. Who knows, maybe she'll turn out really interesting and add something dynamic to the story? Honestly, it feels too soon to say.