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Hello friends! 

I hope you're doing well! 

I've had a pretty fun weekend - I've been single parenting Goose while my partner was away, and we had lots of fun. But yesterday he played too hard, and chased the soccer ball into the river. That was a painful phone call to make to my partner. I've now been responsible for the loss of a footy and a soccer to the Yarra River. 

I'm not too excited about what I have planned for today, either. It's my bi-annual check up with.... the dentist. I have always hated the dentist, I'm so nervous when I'm in the chair. And across my life I've had A LOT of dental problems (such perfect teeth come at a cost!), but a few years ago I had an emergency and went to a dentist near my parents house. He had to remove one of my wisdom teeth on the spot, but was really nice and gentle about it. I had to get the other three removed in surgery, and so now I go every six months for a check up. 

BUT it means I'll already be around the corner from my parents, so I'll go see mum as a belated Mothers Day visit. Gonna get some of those magic Mum hugs! 


"It's mother's Day today so I'm heading to my folks place for lunch, should be nice to catch up with the family! 

I've been sick again this week - was a bit nervous about it as I'd just been up to Sydney and they had a mystery covid case up there but had the test mid week and it came back all clear... 

I've finished watching the mission impossible films so moved onto Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher last night... Was pretty alright! 

Saints had a win yesterday up on the Gold coast, made it two in a row for the first time this year! Next two games are against top teams though, our fixture this year is brutal - rated as the hardest in the comp! If we can win one of those though we are still in the hunt I reckon... Hope you're all well! -Matt "


"Hey Pah-Trons!  

My sister is moving interstate so had a going away party yesterday. Was good to catch up with the fam.   

It was at a micro brewery, one of the beers I tried was made with dragon fruit. I love me some dragonfruit, it was pretty tasty and I hope I did Matt proud.  The chef at the venue is Scottish and runs a “wee kitchen” (meaning everything is fried in a true Scottish way, not made with piss). It was pretty damn good.   

Sadly there weren’t any pies. Matt and I have talked for ages about a piestagram/paddlestagram crossover and I’d love to make it happen. We just have to find a place that does both.   

For Book Cheat I’m reading a bit of Evelyn Waugh right now. The book is A Handful Of Dust.   We mentioned people dating/marrying people with their own name on this week’s episode. Evelyn Waugh’s first wife was also called Evelyn and they were nicknamed He-Velyn and She-Velyn. That’s one of those things I’m not sure if Bop would absolutely Love or Hate.   

Hope you have/had a great weekend!"

Honestly, I'm not sure if I love or hate it either. I think I love it...? 

We have a fun episode for you this week, so look forward to that on Wednesday. 

Wash your butt!


Ashley Dickinson

I personally hate hevelyn and shevelyn. Also now i want a dragon fruit. And a pie

Julian Wren

Yeessss, tallboy and moose. Their Mac and cheese is the best!