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Hello dear friends! 

How are you going!? I hope you're doing well! 

Sorry this is a day late, we've had a really busy couple of days! Matt flew up to Sydney yesterday to do some more filming for Beer Pioneer (have you seen it yet? It's bloody great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej4TUguJL58) 

Even though it's an hour flight, going up and back in a day is exhausting enough, but add filming all day as well.... Matt is officially rooted (his words). 

I filled in on Drive yesterday on Triple J and had a lot of fun. I did an instagram story about how easy it is, and I totally jinxed myself because shortly after that I played the same song twice in a row. So, my bad. 

So today is my day off, so I've taken the dog for a walk and I'm going to settle in and play some Sims haha 

Let's see what Dave is up to! 

"Hello Pah-Trons,  I’m writing this in my car it’s late at night and it’s pouring outside, I’m waiting for a break in the rain to run in. But it ain’t stopping!!  

So whilst I’m here I’ll let you know that I just recorded this week’s Book Cheat with Mish and Zach. It’s a long one but fun one on French writer Albert Camus’ The Stranger (also translated as The Outsider).  I

’m also on their podcast Leguizarmarama this week where they watch the work of character actor John Leguizarmo. We watched fantastic 90s action film Executive Decision. Which stars their favourite actor John Leguizarmo but also my favourite actor David Suchet! What a dream combo.  

They should be out on Thursday.   

Alright, the rain hasn’t stopped so I’m off to get wet. (I’m not a virgin)   Goodbye."

Little fun fact, I read The Outsider in year 11 to impress a boy I liked who really liked the book. Shout out to Marcus! 

I hope you have a great day, week, month or even a yeaaaarrrrr. 

Wash your butt. 



Sounds like something a virgin would say...


I started saying "wash your butt" to my wife whenever I leave the apartment. She does not get what I'm doing.