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Hellloooooo from sunny Koh Samui!! 

It's still so weird and surreal that we are here, and boy oh boy was it good timing. Melbourne got very cold very quickly so we were glad to have escaped for a few days (sorry anyone still in Melbourne) 

The first show is tonight and I reckon it'll be a fun one! Last night there was an opening night party where everyone had a few drinks and there was a live band on the beach. 

We've just released an episode we recorded in Dave's room about The Dumb and Dumber Bandits - it was a lot of fun to record, I hope you enjoy the story as well! 

We're in a Book Cheat off week, so I don't have and sizzle for you about the next episode. But I will tell you that Dave brought 5 books with him on this trip... and he has read 4 pages so far. He has a lot to pack in in the new few days! #Pray4Dave 

Scroll down to read the topic and guest for Prime Mates! .. 

Keep your eye on our socials, we'll post stuff about the show tonight and about our adventures while we're here! I'm going to meet the boys for a lovely pool side lunch soon, so for now I'll say BYYYYEEEEEEE! 

Bop x 


Prime Mates is about Full House with Erika Fleury from NAPSA (and she also answers a bunch of patreon questions!)



I hope you all have a fantastic time out there. Dumb and Dumber Bandits was hilarious!


Random Post - Just watched Matt as "Steve from Nasa" in what looks like a pilot episode for a show called Under the Milky Way. It was fun, no apes though.