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Hello dear friends! It's Bop here, I'm taking over the newsletter! I hope I can keep it fresh and interesting for you. My only experience with newsletters is when my mum had to help with the newsletter for the tennis club (affluent east) 

We're really excited to be heading to Koh Samui in just a few days time! Dave heads over a little early to have a well deserved holiday, and Matt and I both fly over on Sunday night. If you don't already follow us on social media, I would highly recommend chucking us a follow to keep up to date on our CRAAZZYYYYY ADVENTURES! (Reading books by the pool, swimming in the pool, cocktails by the pool etc) 

We've got some awesome episodes for you this week, scroll down to the bottom to see the topics..... 

We'll keep you updated and next week, I'll tell you all the antics we've been up to!

Take care! 


Book Cheat - Brave New World (with Adam Knox and Luka Muller from Oooh Spooky!)

 Do Go On - Mike Patton (with Karl Chandler and Tommy Dassalo from Little Dum Dum Club!) 

Prime Mates - the Monkees (with Damian Cowell from tism!)



Damian Cowell?!? That's amazing. Cant wait.


Can't wait, I think Matt probably did a little dance when he booked that!


See you there, we're at the airport!