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Hello my book loving pals,

Dave here. Just letting you know that I’ve decided my next book for Book Cheat will be ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’ by Robert Louis Stevenson.

If you want to read ahead it’s a pretty short read and out of copyright so widely available online for free. If not, wait until Tuesday and I’ll tell you and two great guests all about it.

Have any of you already read it?

And what else have you been reading this month?





I really like the idea with the Patreon Book Club since I don't think I would have read this book otherwise. The downside is that I won't have time to finish it before the episode is released, so I will have to wait an extra long time before I get to listen to the pod! Anyway, I'm about halfway through the book now and I'm really liking it so far. Kinda wish I could have gone in blind though. I think I would like it a lot more if I didn't know Mr Hydes true identity, but even though I already know the "twist", I find the mystery really intriguing.


So excited downloading now for work tomorrow.