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Hey there mates!

I am right down towards the end of my shout out list (only got enough for the next few weeks of episodes...) So if you haven't as yet, wanna give me your favourite primate and why below? It's a really fun part of the show to read out your funny and/or sincere messages about your favourites!

After this I will start a new question for everyone who has already had a shout out and we can start it all over again (feel free to suggest the next question below too). Cheers, Matt

PS. if you want your name read out differently from your patreon name, add it in the message... cheers!




I’d have to say my favorite Primate is Evan Munro-Smith. See how he likes it! 😝


My favorite primate would have to be Ape Joel from Dinosaur World: The Post-apocalyptic Tabletop RPG for ages 10 and up. Never has there been a more saucy ape that caused as much damage as he has.